
Hope for when the holidays aren’t jolly

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

While many of us look forward to this time of year, it can be incredibly difficult for others. When people are in an abusive situation, the holidays aren’t always jolly. The upset with their daily routines with holiday gatherings and more time at home can magnify feelings of isolation and hopelessness.

Besides more time with their abuser and less with their safe people (whether that be coworkers, friends, a faith community, or others), there is a pressure to appear cheerful despite abuse happening behind closed doors. Maintaining the appearance of a happy relationship or meeting the expectations of their abuser puts additional emotional strain on the victim.

If you are supporting someone in this situation, make sure they know they can freely express themselves with you - no expectations to act merry. Respect their decision to stay in the relationship if they choose because leaving is complex and can be incredibly dangerous. Check in regularly and offer to take them to do something that promotes self-care, whether it’s a walk on the Greenbelt or a shopping trip to the Village.

Please encourage them to contact victim services at Faces of Hope Foundation for emotional and legal support. Our advocates can also help them craft a safety plan for the holidays and let them know what other resources are available for their safety. This December, you can be a source of hope for those in your life who need it most.


Paige Dinger

Executive Director