Mountain Home City Council 5.23.23

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The Mountain Home City Council met in regular session at their first meeting with newly scheduled meeting times (5pm, Tuesday).

Mayor Rich Sykes and Councilman James Greene were absent from Tuesday night’s Meeting. Council President Garvey conducted the meeting and began with opening a public hearing. The public hearing was held to discuss the implementation of a preliminary plat extension fee. No attendees spoke for or against the proposal, and so the public hearing concluded.

President Garvey led the meeting to department head reports, beginning with Fire Chief Moore. Moore spoke positively of a conference he attended in Sun Valley, and mentioned upcoming hazmat and BLM training. Next, Chief Thompson spoke to the council about upcoming open training on June 5th and 10th that will serve as a recruitment event for interested parties.

Public Works Director Rich Urquidi updated the council on Well #17 explaining that they are currently seeking a niche type of sand for the well’s sand filter. At this point, Councilman Brennan raised concerns about the state of a city resident’s property that was in violation of waste ordinances.

Next, Councilman Bundy introduced a boy scout in the audience who was in attendance to work towards achieving requirements for a new badge.

Then, Councilman Brennan confronted city employees as a whole regarding what he deemed excessive spending on certain products, food, and more. President Garvey concurred with Councilman Brennan, though noted she was coming from an angle of curiosity, not punitively.

Brennan noted, “It is unfortunate that the person I wanted to ask about this isn’t here.”

The Council then moved on to new business, with Councilman Bundy and President Garvey voting to approve the preliminary plat extension fee, with Brennan voting against. Councilman Bundy and President Garvey voted in favor of motions to annex and zone a property, and Councilman Brennan voted against both.

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