Library Board 5.4.23

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The Mountain Home Public Library Board of Trustees held their May meeting on Thursday the 4th. The meeting began with the approval of the consent agenda and bills. Following this, Director Hochstrasser updated the board on the work library employees have been putting in order to prepare the StoryStroll project. She explained that a narrated version of the stories will also be provided for StoryStroll participants.

The narrations will change with the stories, and guest readers—especially individuals from donors—will be invited to narrate the stories. Director Hochstrasser shared that she was still waiting to hear back about the new book drop as well as the privacy pod. Chair Venable-Harjo noted that she followed up with the family of the individual after whom the privacy pod is proposed to be named seeking permission. The family plans to respond soon, providing an answer for the board. The board next discussed rescheduling November’s meeting to 4pm rather than 5pm in order to allow for the possibility of the library to host an After Hours Event for the Chamber of Commerce. The decision to reschedule the meeting an hour earlier was approved unanimously. Chair Venable-Harjo then spoke about a conference she had recently attended that saw a gathering of library directors and trustees. She shared the message of the conference’s primary speaker who encouraged libraries to rally community advocates. Director Hochstrasser then addressed the board regarding the previous legislative session. She sought input regarding the previously proposed bills that had the potential to restrict and limit library contents as well as place liability on library employees for patrons actions, and acknowledged that the bills or similar bills are likely to resurface in the next legislative session. She concluded her thoughts by acknowledging that the library policy is a living document and is designed to change and grow with the library and its needs. The director’s report followed, with Director Hochstrasser updating the board on the plan for the StoryStroll project. She shared that the panel printing has been completed, and that a date will be announced in the future for a ribbon cutting and fun walk once the StoryStroll is ready. Next, Director Hochstrasser spoke to the telehealth privacy pod. She shared that the library was looking into the Lawyers in the Library program which aims to provide legal counsel to low-income individuals facing legal matters. She announced that a potential partnership with the Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program may be looming. Director Hochstrasser concluded her remarks by sharing an update on the Lynx Library Consortium. She announced that both the Twin Falls Library Board and the Mountain Home Library Board approved to have their libraries enter into the courier service. She followed this announcement by explaining that an updated agreement which would eliminate membership levels and enter all libraries into the courier service is being drafted and is planned to be finalized by early October of this year. Following this, the meeting was concluded.

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