Casino Timeline Update

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Following an open house at the Elks Lodge in Mountain Home hosted by the Shoshone Bannock tribe, additional details regarding the tribe’s proposed casino-resort project have emerged. Below is a general timeline describing the process from its inception in 2015, which had been in discussions for over a decade, to its current status and next steps; the dates and information provided come largely from a timeline published by the Shoshone-Bannock tribe. 

On January 1st of 2015, the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Planning Department provided a report identifying the original parcels of 57.24 total acres of land just outside of Mountain Home. Following this, things remained fairly quiet until 2017 when plans were made to propose the idea to the Fort Hall Business Council (FHBC). The Council evenutually settled on the current land purchase.

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