Winter Weather May Impact Your Energy Use — and Your Bill 

Monday, January 16, 2023

Heating systems have been working overtime to keep homes and businesses warm this past month. That means higher energy bills may land in your mailbox in the next couple of weeks. Idaho Power can help customers manage their winter energy use, as well as help prevent surprises when winter bills arrive. 

When it’s cold outside, like it was in December, heating systems work harder to keep up, even if the thermostat is set at 68 degrees. Other appliances may be working harder, too. If water heaters are in a cold garage, they turn on more often. Lights and electronics may see more use as people spend more time indoors. To avoid being surprised by winter energy bills over the next few months, and to reduce your winter energy use, try a few of these tips: 

Sign up for Idaho Power’s My Account to track your energy use, predict what your next bill may be and monitor how weather impacts your use. 

While you’re in My Account, sign up for alerts to be notified if your monthly bill reaches a set amount, and consider enrolling in Budget Pay. Budget Pay levels out your payments so they are the same each month — eliminating higher bills in the summer and winter months. You can also enroll in bill alert push notifications, Budget Pay and other convenient programs by downloading the new mobile app. 

Turn down the thermostat at night and when you’re away, or install a smart thermostat to automatically make the adjustments for you. Some homes heated with electricity or a heat pump may even qualify for a $75 smart thermostat incentive. 

Seal air leaks around windows and doors and install high-efficiency insulation to keep heated air where it should be — inside! 

Replace old light bulbs with energy-saving LEDs. LEDs use 70–90% less energy than regular bulbs. 

Dress for the weather, even inside. Wear layers like sweaters, scarves and warm socks before bumping up the thermostat. 

If you or someone you know needs financial assistance this winter season, Idaho Power can help. Learn more at Want to find more information about saving energy — and money — all year long? Look through energy efficiency programs and energy-saving tips at 

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