Energy-saving Tips for Winter

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Colder weather often means more time indoors. Taking a few easy steps at home will help you save money and energy while staying comfortable and warm.

Replace or clean furnace filters to improve efficiency and help your system last longer.

Turn down the thermostat at night or when the house is empty. A one-degree change in your thermostat setting can save up to 6% on heating costs. If you have a heat pump, don’t turn the thermostat down more than 2–3 degrees.

Heat the smallest area possible. If your heating system allows you to control individual rooms, focus on heating occupied rooms where people congregate. At night, an electric blanket can keep you cozy in bed without heating the entire house.

Open curtains and blinds during the day to let the sun heat your home.

Set the temperature of your water heater so the water at the tap is 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

Vacuum furnace air returns, registers and baseboard heaters. Dust can block the airflow and reduce the effectiveness of your system.

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