City Planning and Zoning -12.5.22

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

A brief Mountain Home Planning and Zoning Commission meeting took place on Monday the 5th. Only Commissioners Wallaert, Harjo, and Roeder were present.

The primary project brought to the Commission was a proposed non-conforming CUP that would allow for an expansion to the Mountain Home Albertsons. The expansion would take place on the back of the building, parallel to 5th street. Currently, the existing back side of the building is equipped with two ramps that allow for product to be brought into the store upon delivery. In the proposed expansion, the existing ramps would remain in place, but the spaces adjacent to the existing ramps would be extended by 7 feet. This would bring the building’s back border to the edge of the sidewalk. There was some public resistance noted, but also public support, including from an Albertsons employee. Ultimately, the CUP was approved unanimously by the Commissioners in attendance.

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