
City Planning & Zoning Meeting - May 2

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The first action item of the night was an ordinance change (Title Amendment) requested by Jessica Schick, a mobile food concession yard applicant. This covers the official classification for land use & design standard. Specifically the changes are the restroom facilities to be screened with no impedance and to allow pedestrian traffic. Change the gravel to a hard surface pavement or asphalt for safety. Travis, one of the commissioners asked if there had been any complaints surrounding noise. Miss Schick responded “none whatsoever” Further stated that “we are in full communication with neighbors” Brock Cherry the Community Development Director stated that Schick “works well with good intention with the neighbors” The motion passed.

Ken Stone the new property owner of P&C Plumbing Building wants to rezone from general commercial to heavy industrial. Primarily for a commercial laundry facility and custom cabinet, door and window manufacturing. The property borders heavy industrial and they will be handling the laundry from the Marriott. The motion passed.

Mark Taylor is building townhouses with a total of 42 units, he said his target is younger families and the design matches. The townhouses will have garages and they are 3 level buildings. Colors are grey and maroon and interesting designs on the front. The homes will have a rear yard space and balconies. He is requesting a change from heavy commercial to residential. The rezoning motion passed.

The Village Robert Nash requested rezone from heavy industrial and heavy commercial for a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The request would allow for a master planned development consisting of eight, twenty-four unit apartment buildings totaling one hundred ninety-two apartment units, and 56 garage, 188 covered parking stalls and 141 open parking stalls. Additional amenities include a Clubhouse, Swimming Pool, Pickleball courts, Barbecue and picnic area, Tot lot, Dog run, and Electric Charging Stations. Motion Passed.

10th Street Neighborhood request by Tieren, LLC, to amend the existing R-4 Planned Unit Development (PUD)”. The existing approved PUD request allowed for a master-planned development consisting of townhouses, live-work housing units, commercial space, and open space amenities. The motion passed. A request by Randy Scales to consider changes to an ordinance of the City of Mountain Home, Idaho, amending Title 9, Chapter 9, Section 16, 9-9-16: The amendment would allow for Home Occupations which deviate from the existing 9-9-16: Home Occupation Standards with a Conditional Use Permit.. The motion passed. A request by United Metals on a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the development of a Storage Facility, in particular, R.V. Storage on an open lot located at 1145 Airbase Road. The proposed facility will consist of an Office, six fully enclosed storage facilities ,RV spaces with canopies, The southerly portion of the 5-acre will be designated for excess storage and open for large equipment storage. The proposed project will also contain security fencing, security gate as well as an RV dump station. The motion passed. Leap Housing requested a R-4 Planned Unit Development. The Falcons Landing Planned Unit Development will provide one hundred and thirty-six units (136), consisting of one hundred and twenty (120) multi-family units and sixteen (16) single family-attached units. The motion passed.

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