Free Seedlings Available on Arbor Day

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Boise – As part of the celebration of Arbor Day, Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) has partnered with the Idaho Forest Products Commission (IFPC) to provide free seedlings to the people of Idaho. On April 29, every IDL office throughout the state will offer seedlings while they last.

Forests and trees play an important role, providing clean air, removing and store carbon dioxide, sending fresh oxygen into the air, providing habitat for wildlife, clean water through our watersheds, and opportunities for recreation. 63% of Idaho’s water comes from the forests.

Forests that are harvested, are required by state code to be replanted. Last year IDL planted nearly 2 million seedlings after harvests and fires. For every tree harvested, seven seedlings are planted in its place. This year efforts are underway to plant 2.4 million seedings on endowment forests.

Forests are not limited to mountains. Urban forests throughout the state provide great benefits to its communities. For instance, trees within a community:

Absorb the sounds of traffic by 40%

Keep neighborhoods seven to nine degrees cooler

Reduce energy costs up to 25% by shading buildings and protecting them from winter winds

Increase property values of homes

Absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Everyone can do their part this Arbor Day and plant a tree. Not only are the seedlings available at IDL offices, IFPC is providing thousands of seedlings at businesses and organizations throughout the state.

Locations for the free seedings can be found at the IFPC website at

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