Ground Breaking Ceremony held for Aquatics Center

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

On August 18th, 2021, the Western Elmore County Recreation District held the groundbreaking ceremony for the once presumed mythical indoor aquatics center. After twenty years and millions in fundraising, phase one of the center is finally in construction. Dan Gillies, president of the WECRD Board of Directors, gave a short speech talking about the future benefits the aquatics center will bring, such as physical therapy for veterans, injury recovery, and the elderly as well as space for indoor swim teams. Excavation on the project was said to start next year and will involve the national guard in the construction of sprung structures. As of the groundbreaking “There is an end in sight.”

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  • Yay, my tax dollars at work twice!

    Be interesting to see the cost for usage of this facility.

    -- Posted by joe_smoe on Wed, Aug 25, 2021, at 9:10 AM
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