Field Bindweed – A Nuisance Weed for Agricultural, Ranching and Homeowners

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Field bindweed, Convolvulus arvensis, is a very tough, noxious and troublesome weed to deal with here in Elmore County. It can be commonly mistaken as morning glory, but in fact it is much different, though it is of the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae). Field bindweed is a very deep-rooted perennial plant, scientists have even found roots to be ~30 feet below the surface of the soil in some cases.

Field bindweed is very easy to identify, when you know what to look for. It has a growing habit that is said to be prostrate (low-growing, along the surface of the soil like a vine). It can grow up other plants/structures and then choke out other plants, which is why it’s so successful as a noxious weed. The leaves are arranged opposite of each other on the low growing stem and unique to this plant. Leaves are easy to identify as they are arrow shaped (or shovel shaped, depending upon your opinion). The flowers are of a trumpet shape and may range from a pink to a bright white, often they are white in Elmore County. Flowering may occur in May and continue throughout the growing season up until October. Another helpful and unique identifier for field bindweed is the two very small leaf bracts that occur 1” below the base of the flower on the stem.

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