Camp Wilson approaching quickly

Thursday, April 18, 2019

We are currently doing research to bring you a history piece about the Camp Wilson Barbecue which began in 1947. However, with the weekend quickly approaching we wanted to remind everyone that the event is right around the corner.

The barbecue is “good family fun” which began as a way to feed boy scout troops that were there for three days of camping and competitions. Over the three days the boys cook for themselves and are always anxious to get to the barbecue where they are fed first and for free.

The committee that puts on the barbecue is not affiliated with the Boy Scouts, but just wanted a way to give back to the kids who participate.

The money made from the barbecue goes back to the youth of the community. The group provides scholarships for jamborees and other events and donates money to the Senior Celebrations in Glenns Ferry and Mountain Home. For the full story, pick up a copy of the Mountain Home News or click on this link to subscribe to the newspaper's online edition.

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