
Naïve but not discouraged: Find some way to spread Christmas joy this holiday season

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I love Christmas; it's probably my favorite holiday.

It's not the gift-giving part I love the most, or the annual family feast, even the decorating doesn't top my list. My favorite part about Christmas is the way everyone comes together; for one day, they put hatred, annoyances and past grievances aside and enjoy the seasonal merriment that is Christmas Day.

When everyone's together, making peace with one another, it puts a special touch on the holiday festivities. Decorating your office isn't just some boring commitment you struggle through every year, it becomes a way to show glad tidings. Gifts are no longer based on size or the price tag, they're based on the thought behind it. A Christmas feast is no longer a wretched family obligation, it becomes a happy time where you reconnect with loved ones.

Christmas truly becomes a time to show your appreciation for others, instead of it being an outlet for envy.

It may not feel like Christmas time yet because there's no snow, but I hope you all find some way to get in the Christmas spirit. Take time to ring the bell for the Salvation Army or volunteer at a food bank.

Use this time to spread positivity and love, not envy and hate.

I hope over the next couple of weeks everyone finds a way to spread Christmas joy.

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