Letter to the Editor

Liberal control makes no sense

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dear editor:

Somebody enlighten me here, I still fail to understand liberal control of this country.

How is a 17 trillion dollar debt, enroute to 18 now, considered some sort of "recovery?"

Isn't counterfeiting, v.s. just printing up more money, the same thing?

Shouldn't "foreign aid" go both ways?

Why is murdering the unborn "OK," but it's now "off limits" to waterboard a TERRORIST?

Why was Newtown and Aurora acts of "home-grown terrorism," but the Muslim major at Fort Hood was just a "workplace incident?

Speaking of Muslims, why are we not supposed to judge all Muslims for the terrorist act of MANY of them, yet when two American citizens hit a school and a movie theater, every honest gun owner in America is being chastized and threatened with more penalties and restrictions?

Why are Democratic tax hikes referred to as "revenue enhancement fees," but if they were Republican-generated, they'd just be "tax hikes?"

Why are Tea Party folks called "nazi's," when it's the other side who generates mandates, takeovers, and dictating to us how to act, what to eat, what to wear, etc?

Why can an illegal alien get college tuition assistance, but an American G.I. cannot?

Why is it that if you want to live in Mexico, you have to prove to them you won't be a burden on their economy, but if you're a Mexican wanting to live here, all you have to do is make it over the border?

How does Obama apologize to Calderon in Mexico City two weeks ago for all the deaths caused by American weapons, when he himself covered Holder and the ATF for running over 2,000 of them to the Mexican drug cartels?

Why was Nixon forced to either resign or be impeached over a cover-up at a hotel where nobody was killed, yet today by contrast, well, fill in whichever of many of today's cover-ups you choose.

When I accused Bush of being inept, that was fine. When I accused Obama of the same thing I became a "racist."

Finally as the debt continues to soar unchecked and the country continues to un-ravel, at what point does this CEASE to be all "Bush's fault?"

-- Mike Bradbury