Ceremony helps students understand patriotism

Friday, March 16, 2012
From left, American Legion representatives Richard McMahon and Bill Kline demonstrate the proper way to fold an American flag during Monday's presentation at Hacker Middle School. The event marked the second consecutive year the local American Legion post hosted the patriotism program. Photo by Brian S. Orban

On Monday afternoon, representatives with American Legion Post 26 stopped by Hacker Middle School to emphasize the meaning of patriotism and the significance of the American flag.

Members of the Mountain Home post continued a tradition that at one point remained absent in the local schools for years.

According to Richard McMahon, who commands the local Legion post, it's important for children to understand and appreciate what it means to be an American. While many of them can recite the Pledge of Allegiance, for example, very few of those students understand the underlying meaning behind those words, he said.

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