Letter to the Editor

Watch Mellen district closely

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dear editor:

Jan. 4 was the last meeting of the old (Mellen Sub-Water District) board, and the new board was sworn in. This should be real interesting because I resigned as secretary, and Tom Horgan resigned.

Bart (Eben) proceeded to conduct a meeting without a secretary to take notes, which isn't legal because the meeting wasn't recorded. No one took notes and they didn't have a secretary to take the notes. So technically this was not an official meeting. Anything that was done at that meeting was not official. He then talked Angelena (Morrison) into being chairman of the board. Angelena only attended one meeting (December). This means to me that she knows absolutely nothing about the water board.

No one on the board has any experience except Bart, and I don't think he wants to be very involved. Bart has been off the board for years, and has missed a lot. DEQ and USDA have different requirements.

Bart does not know these things. He didn't keep up with all of that when he was on the board before. You now have a know it all leading a group of people that absolutely know nothing.

I believe they thought this was going to be a cake walk. The new board needs to know that they are liable for anything that does not get done, reports, etc.

Bart's only reason for being on the board was to lower the $100 that the board member gets for each meeting to $50, and that was his first order of business. Now he is happy, which to me does not make sense. The old board and the chairman (Art Vagt) made sure everything was running smoothly.

Everyone in Mellen Sub Water should be watching this board very carefully

Janet M. Donahue, ex-secretary