Letter to the Editor

Animal rights group should pony up

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dear editor:

It is time for the animal rights activist to put their money where their mouth is.

Certain groups have managed to get the slaughter plants shut down that process horses. While I am a horse lover and owner I dislike the slaughtering of horses. But I in my opinion it is a necessary evil.

In other countries horse meat is a commodity. Horse meat is also used in the manufacturing of dog food. Prior to the end of World War II horse meat was consumed in the United States on a regular basis. Beef was sent overseas to the troops. After WWII farms became mechanized and horses became pets.

Hay prices have sky rocketed, and people are facing hard decisions where their horses are concerned.

Horse prices have dropped and taking a horse to auction in some cases cost more to get the animal there then they receive for the sale. So take a look out in the desert and you will find the unwanted horses that have been turned out by their owners to fend for themselves. Some will survive but a domestic horse does not have the survival skills that a mustang has.

So the solution of getting rid unwanted horses should fall to the animal rights groups who started this mess. You take them and pay the high feed bills and vet bills and general upkeep.

Also, on the other hand, as horse owners let's be responsible and stop the backyard breeding. Just because I have a horse and my neighbor does, does not mean that we should let them procreate.

K. Rodgers

King Hill