Kim's Comments
Kim Kovac

The next step to Gov't take-over

Posted Friday, October 22, 2010, at 11:03 AM
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  • KIM the firing of juan williams was not justified in anyway..........and he said nothing wrong......he expressed a personal feeling which i am sure a lot of people feel.....i would consider the feeling human........with that said the president has nothing to do with this and quite using any exscuse you can to attack him......that would be constructive......there have been so many bigoted things said and done here of late that the right just seems to ignore.......who are you going to blame that on????????????......i could make some suggestions but im not.........i dont know what those people were thinking about but whatever it was ..... mr weiss should see a shrink

    -- Posted by lamont on Fri, Oct 22, 2010, at 6:09 PM
  • i dont know why the LIBS would need spies all you have to do is listen to the radio or watch tv......rand paul.....sharon angle.....carl palidino.....that doesnt mean that every one is racist but it does present a trend..........and should i say that i am not painting all with the same brush as some people are by saying all muslims are terrorist.......or have free reign etc.......i have lived and heard the same before and thats were the racist acussation come from.......sometimes i dont think people really think about what they are saying and how it is received in the broader picture.......and the thought goes its THEM today....who will it be tomorrow and if your a minority that thought is never far from the fore front.......and that also is part of what juan was saying.......and he had the guts to say it..... good for him..........and fox is far from fair or balanced but i hope he helps to make it that way.......and to imply that things dont happen to people because they are black,or hispanic or asian is to stick your head in the sand.......but its happening to THEM so we dont see it that way.........we are not always fair so please dont imply we are.....we still use the N word we still use the G word we still use the W word.the H word etc.......liberals make you sick......thats intresting......anything else???????????????

    -- Posted by lamont on Sun, Oct 24, 2010, at 9:41 PM
  • PERSONALLY I DONT CARE WHAT THE PARTY SAYS.......BUT MUCH TO YOUR SERPRISE a lot of people would not consider revira a liberal......it is amazing to me that you can ignore some things and accuse people of other things........RUSH is as offensive as it gets.....but see he is not offenseive to you so it doesnt count......but he attacks the first lady and the kids and thats ok.........shes a liberal so shes fair game......i have a problem with that........i would be considered a liberal.....but i didnt make anyone sick when i spent 4.5 yrs in the jungle......that was ok......i guess the right would call that patriotic........as long as there children dont serve....the fact that they continue to vote to send jobs overseas thats ok too.......why did they vote to continue outsourcing???????.....again lets see both sidesJUAN DID NOT DESERVE WHAT HAPPENED......IF RUSH IS YOUR IDEA OF ANYTHING OTHER THAN A DRUG ADDICT IN THE PUBLIC EYE........THEN WHO IS BEING USED??????????

    -- Posted by lamont on Mon, Oct 25, 2010, at 3:30 PM
  • STOP........YOU WOULD BACK SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO PRIVATIZE SSI,AND THE VA.....MAKE ME UNDERSTAND.....forgeign commanders .....lets see we had that in ww1,korea.and in some cases vietnam,and every war we have ever been invoved in......any force that is multinational will have that or did you forget how that works.....we are not the worlds dictator.....therfore you have to deal with other nations as equals as has every president........sometimes you just dont make sense ..........and i guarantee you sarah palin has never heard the insults that the first lady has........and hers is before ,during and after.....and not one word of condemnation from the right..........get real.......again sarah palin is not the first lady.........now how do you sappose that we keep someone from sueing????????,,,,,,you can sue all you want that doesnt mean you get action........think will you......there has been more than enough name calling........and it continues..... i also would say based on your comment that you AGREE with miller and angle and paul and that goes to what i told you....... when a minority hears and sees the rehtoric i see discrimanation,segragation.and the tryanny of slavery........and before i see that happen i will put my trainig to good use and beleive me that is what we feel........and you just dont get that....... you dont hear yourself.......,rand paul scares me,sharon angel scares me,demint,mc connal.......these people want slaves......never again........and you cant denie the rehtoric........can you tell me what good it serves this nation?????????? I ASK BECAUSE I THINK YOU THINK ITS OK

    -- Posted by lamont on Tue, Oct 26, 2010, at 11:11 PM
  • you went off on a tirade again.......and didnt answer the question.........so i will assume that you agree and would like to see a return to segragation,and no equal justice etc so i need to let you go..........the america i fought for said those days should end and continues to work on it........paul,angel.miller,o donnel.and several others including some leftist should be considered treasones.......to bad some think thats the way to go

    -- Posted by lamont on Wed, Oct 27, 2010, at 6:22 PM
  • just cant watch.....i am not talking about race i am using it as and example......i am also stating fact in terms of what has been said and shown by the people i named or didnt you hear there commentary////////// now the part that gets me is.....when our freedoms were being attacked with the patroit act you didnt say a word .......i dont want anyone to give me anything.....how about keeping the playing field even.........when you single out you are wrong.....when you label your wrong........i say that we cannot continue being the country that everyone bows to... we are not the worlds conquers,,,,,,DEALS...... the right made them all the time.........chaney.....oil .....summit remember and we all payed and are still paying...,.,.halliburtin.....we are still paying.......no bid contracts .......and we still pay.........THIS ADMINISTRATION DID NOT ADD ALL THAT DEPT......THE DEPT IS AND ACCUMULATION OF ALL DEPT LEADING UP TO TODAY........so therfore lets take ownership for what was already done TARP WAS IMPLMENTED BY GW.......the stimulusa did not promise and was not designed for progres ......it was designed to stop what was happening.........so that we can catch our breath and move forward.....kinda like a loan because you need to catch your breath to move forward...........GW paid for NOTHING SO WHEN DID YOU THINK THAT WOULD HAVE TO HAPPEN.........IM NOT BLAMING HIM BUT I AM BLAMING THE GREED THAT CREATED THIS MESS..........wall street could care less about you and me.........and for your information justcantwatch this depression hurts minoritys at double the rate it does you and im not talking about those on welfare....there lucky.......they get theres no matter what.......everyone else faces the job market........and that means attitudes plays a place in that market..........restore what?????????the continued borrowing......the continued health problems and cost people cant pay..........insurance co who prey on people.......i just found out that my nortgage co has been adding things to my mortgage without my consent......every month the payment changes ......took awhile of me watching it.....now heres the kicker...... i have time to fight with them on the phone what about the people that dont watch ,dont understand ,and dont and cant take the time to spend on the phone and when you get them theres the disconnect,wrong departments etc.........and zook i want you to look at what a cuban gets and has gotten from the time they have been comming here.........you will get sick..........AND WE ALL HAVE PAYED FOR THIS.....it is so out of wack......id have like to have gotten that as a mustering out pay.....the things we worked for that they took and continue to take to pay for this mistake is just beginning.......and if you think from what i hear that the right has all the answers you are in for a big surprise and a let down......this recession will happen again and it will be more pronounced.......and it will happen very quickly within 5 years we have got to PRODUCE HERE.........WHEN COMPANYS SAY THAT.....THERE ONLY ALLEGIANCE IS TO THERE STOCK HOLDERS WE ARE IN TROUBLE........NOT MY WORDS........AND THAT IS WHAT I MEAN SLAVERY.........they want people to work for 3.00 and hr believe it.........they dont even know what the min wage is..........and they care...... I DONT THINK SO..............JUSTCANTWATCH YOU PEOBALLY WOULDNT KNOW A BIGOT IF YOU TRIPPED OVER ONE.....OTHERWISE YOU WOULD HAVE UNDERSTOOD WHAT I HAVE SAID

    -- Posted by lamont on Thu, Oct 28, 2010, at 4:09 PM
  • the double hurt is this.......i dont know if you have ever heard this.........LAST HIRED FIRST FIRED.......think about that.......has nothing to do with those who are working......ok... i hope that clarifys........... we... our gov... gives tax breaks to companys who outsource job......that has been in place for some time.....the question for us is why??????? give tax breaks to those who create jobs here......i said it before..... there has to be a national allegiance in the business world......now the RIGHT did in MASS vote against that......now we could go tit for tat i would prefer to say there are things that both sides should be able to sit down and come to solutions that take in all of US...........and more than that takes in the NATION which should be there first priority...........and as you feel threatened by some people so do i........the difference is yours are forgien .........mine are both forgien and domestic.......to include some elected officials just like you do.........as you feel you have the right so do i........i dont care who runs this there will be a path to citizenship........i dont know if money should be the driver and the holy grail of everything.........some where humanity has a place and should be considered in the decision......dont get me wrong i like to make money too........it doesnt drive my thoughts when it comes to my family and friends.......and yes i have a great vehicle(made in america)CAMPER (made in america) I CONSCIUOSLY look for made in america..........but thats me i will hire anyone who is and american citezen and or is here legally.........and i treat everyone as they treat me........im old fashioned if your older than me or look that way.. i still say yes sir and no sir,hold doors etc......disrespect me and i will respond in kind......those things are american........there still alive and the art of solving problems should be as well...........i brought up the cubans because of what they get when they get here ......i should say we wrote a special for them ........ck it out.........you will come unglued.....see ya got to practice doing a concert

    -- Posted by lamont on Thu, Oct 28, 2010, at 6:46 PM
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