Kim's Comments
Kim Kovac

Dark Days Ahead

Posted Thursday, April 1, 2010, at 7:50 AM
View 39 comments
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    Wow. "oblivia"?! For real?

    -- Posted by DaveThompson on Thu, Apr 1, 2010, at 8:01 PM
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    Wow squared.

    -- Posted by DaveThompson on Thu, Apr 1, 2010, at 8:49 PM
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    It's not nationalized health-care. It is weak reform that gives the insurance companies more customers to abuse. If it had a public-option or had been single-payer then it would be nationalized. You people should be happy that it is a pro-capitalism bill. Or have you guys become anti-capitalist as well as anti-government?

    -- Posted by censored on Sat, Apr 3, 2010, at 11:52 AM
  • A Washington Post poll March 28th found that 48 percent of respondents backed Obama's handling of health care while 49 percent disapprove.

    And look what the Republicans have been up too HA !


    Oh and the Job rate has dropped down instead of jumping up. First time in 2 years

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Sat, Apr 3, 2010, at 5:22 PM
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    Did anyone see WHY the labor numbers didn't fall any further? It's because the federal government hired THOUSANDS to knock on your door to see how many people live there. Gonna be a different story if they can't figure out how to KEEP them employed when the counting is done. And for info Ms..the number didn't drop..they didn't move at all.

    BTW...has anyone else seen the amount of WASTE the census has brought to us? A couple of weeks before I received my census form, I received a post card telling me to be on the lookout for it. So this was sent to every household in America at what cost. Then the census form showed up at my door. I filled it out and sent it back. Then a week later I recieved ANOTHER letter telling me how important the census was and that I needed to get my form back to them. THEN just the other day I received ANOTHER CENSUS FORM. Just in case I didn't get the first one I guess. Now I sit here in wait, looking out the slits in my blinds, for the temporary worker to show up at my door to ask me the same questions. WHAT A WASTE!!! Not to mention all the commercials telling us we won't have enough teachers or stop lights if we don't fill out the census. What a CROCK. Having been a cop for enough years to know better, stop lights are put up after a TRAFFIC STUDY is done to see if there is a need. You know...the little rubber hoses on the road and a street department employee with a note pad. Teachers are based upon potential student enrollment. Lower enrollment, fewer teachers. NOWHERE is there ANY correlation with the census and traffic lights and teachers. LIES LIES LIES!!!!

    But did you expect any different from this administration?

    PS2: There is a great video of a CNN talking head PULVERIZING the Obama administration over the lies and back room deals done up by this administration and the dems in congress. If anyone wants to see it let me know and I can email.

    Happy Easter and God Bless!!

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Sat, Apr 3, 2010, at 8:28 PM
  • The job rate numbers will only be temporary. The census people are only a small portion that got jobs. There were other temporary jobs that will come to an end...

    Do you remember when we didn't get a census form in the mail? They hired much more people to go house to house with their clipboards to take your info. I think this is the first time I receive them in the mail. It's got to be less costly mailing them then hiring a large number of people to go door to door. Even with Minimum wage it would be more costly then mailing them.

    We also got a census form and filled it out and put it in the mail. Then we got another one so my husband called the number on the form and actually a real person answered. They said they were just making sure that it didn't get lost in the mail and do not send it back if we had already sent one in. It also says this on the 2nd form but my husband didn't read the form before placing the call.

    You didn't understand what the message was saying about teachers and traffic lights.

    And I did expect more from this administration more then what George W did and so far at least Obama is trying which I didn't see George W even attempt to do.

    It will be interesting come November !

    Its costing us taxpayers for Otter to file the lawsuit against health reform. And I think its a no win situation...

    Walking down memory lane !

    BTW We still have Social Security that seems has always been in place. Did the American people want it back then? Then there is Medicare I think we got that back in 1963 did the American people want that ?

    BTW What names did they call Nixon when he was impeached?

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Sat, Apr 3, 2010, at 9:07 PM
  • So everything that you believe Obama caused or set in place will all be changed when he's out and a newby comes in? What has changed since Bush has been out?

    Your right Nixon got out so he couldn't be impeached and it was a good thing that Clinton stayed "Gore" Yikes !

    There are more polls out there that are about the same as what I showed you. Do you have one in mind other then Fox?

    Well when the lawsuit doesn't win, Idaho will still have to pay their part of the bill with money we don't have !

    Wouldn't it be nice if we could always have everything we want?

    I can remember when I was a young girl getting my first job, thinking I was going to keep all the money I made. I had it figured out to the penny and then Surprise money comes out here money comes out there and this is what I am left with !

    Social Security No Way that's for old people and Medicare you got to be kidding. I don't want to pay into these things. To bad you are going to have to every time you have a job unless your paid under the table

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Sat, Apr 3, 2010, at 9:53 PM
  • I left the door wide open for you here

    What has changed since Bush has been out?

    Please if you are going to answer do it with out all the sarcasm, name calling and please don't repeat yourself :) Just make a list ok?

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Sat, Apr 3, 2010, at 10:24 PM
  • First change that comes to my mind is that the government now controlls a major portion of General Motors and Chrysler.

    -- Posted by KRKJR on Sun, Apr 4, 2010, at 5:57 AM
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    Here's the link (I hope) to the Jack Cafferty video. Finally something near the truth coming from CNN

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Sun, Apr 4, 2010, at 10:09 AM
  • Some things on your list are not changes only things that you say Obama has done. Personality more then change....

    The Republicans from day one since Obama took the oath have been putting lots of misinformation out and you keep saying things that were not true

    Here's one of your untruths

    "Exclusion of an entire PARTY while passing a bill nobody wants"

    The Republicans help to write the Bill they made 161 changes to it before it was voted on, and that was before it had even gone to the house or senate.

    What I worry about is the way the country is going. That it is ok to call the president names Nazi, commi and compare him to Hitler and etc. That people like Glenn Beck keep people stirred up for the sack of his entertainment and making money.

    The path we are taking you are right its not a good path to take, however do you think its going to stop when Obama is out? Do you think its only exclusive for the Republican party and all the other nay sayers to call names and cause riots? NOt....What we have become will not stop once Obama is out. This path will continue because no matter who gets in the white house someone isn't going to like him or her and this obnoxious behavior will continue

    This behavior only tears our country apart !

    Then we have Sara Palin in her speech in Nevada recently emphasize "Don't Retreat Reload"

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Sun, Apr 4, 2010, at 10:30 AM
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    You're right Ms. I want us to repeal medicare and Social Security too. I know for a fact that both of these programs will be long bankrupt, taking ALL of the money I put into it, before I get to 65. I want to use the money I put into them to offset my medical insurance that I now HAVE to have per Obama. I want to use my SS money in my own retirement portfilio. The added money will be worth far more in my 401k account over the next 20 some years. I tend to invest a tad more smartly than the government.

    Watching the news this morning I saw that Karzai wants us to continue giving him money to support his ever more corrupt government all the while he is telling the local tribesmen when our troops are going to be heading into ares to root out the Taliban. Correct me if I'm wrong bazooka, but doesn't this violate OPSEC rules and put the lives of our sons and daughtes at even higher risk. Let's give the bad guys the heads-up to when and where we are heading. If that's all the better help we get out of Karzai then it's time to get the (expicitive deleted) out and let him figure it out on his own. Let's put the money we are spending to support his government to better use. Like a BIG fence from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. And the people to patrol it. As we bring our highly trained troops, roll them out of the military and into border patrol cops. last I looked the terrain and climate along our southern border is similar to Iraq and Afghanistan. Seems we de-mil a few thousand Hummers and turn them loose. I suppose working a check point is the same whether you are in Baghdad or at the border in Northern Idaho. Let take the MILLIONS we are spending in "aid" around the world and use it to support our own first. The constitution said government can impose a tax for DEFENSE and GENERAL WELFARE of THE UNITED STATES..NOT Iraq....NOT Afghanistan...NOT Haiti....i could go on and on.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Sun, Apr 4, 2010, at 10:38 AM
  • I'm sorry I didn't explain further what I meant about change when Obama is out. What I meant is all the things that Obama has changed will they be so easy to change back again. Like if the Health reform is a done deal. how long will that take to change and how will it change?

    The only reason none of this stuff didn't happen under Bush's watch is he most likely wouldn't of know how to do it lol !

    Bouncer ...Money for Social Security and Medicare started drying up long before Obama and how did we get Social Security and Medicare in the first place how did that come about? I don't ever remember I had a choice if I didn't want it coming out of my pay check.

    I think a 401 plan is an excellent idea. Instead of paying into Social Security and Medicare we could pay into a 401 plan

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Sun, Apr 4, 2010, at 2:44 PM
  • Dear Moron Squad,

    It just dawned on me...you are all out of your minds. What far-far right wing propangda are you listening too now??

    I am competely dumbfounded!! Where do people like you come from? I hope and pray that none of you hold any public office or any office for that matter. You should take a moment and take a long look at what you write in these blogs...truly amazing!

    The second we elected the first African America president, you all think the nation is doomed. Where does one formulate limited thought like that? We had the last commander-in-chief take a budget surplus and turned it into a the worst budget defiects in our nations history...Mr. Obama's tenure in office has been no more than 15 months and the moron squad places all of our nations problems on him...simply amazing!

    Please, I am begging you for once in your life take a moment and articulate a rational thought process before you blog hate and distrust on everything and anything you don't know or understand. You would be doing all of us a favor!

    -- Posted by DUMBFOUNDED IN IDAHO on Mon, Apr 5, 2010, at 12:13 AM
  • Dear oblivious dumbfounded: I am sick to death of this race card that people want to play! I focus on the character of the person and merit of their actions. Whatever color of their skin, matter of their faith or country of their orgin makes no difference to me. I don't give someone credit for the wrong decisions they make in order to be politically correct. Right is right and wrong is wrong so I don't look the other way. Why should someone who is african american be given the chance to do whatever they want just because it would be wrong to point the finger because of race? Play that freaking card all you want to remain oblivious to the facts. I oppose what that man is doing to our country and apparently, so do 51% of the American citizens. You want to think that it is based on race so that you don't have to really take it seriously. Go blindly into the dark days but I prefer to have a flashlight handy to shine on the lies and see through the murky BS that is thrown around to distract us. I will not shy away from it just because he's a man of color. (time 7:23am)

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Mon, Apr 5, 2010, at 7:23 AM
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    Nice to hear fron you again Dumb in Idaho. You know the first person to play the race card was Obama himself. He's HALF WHITE you DA!!! yet plays up his black roots to garner support from the african american community. He pays very little respect to the caucasian side of his family even though it was his WHITE grandmother that raised him.

    It's his POLICIES and the way he conducts business that have issues with. If the man was white, asian WHATEVER..I would have problems with the arrogant, socialistic attitude that he displays. Watch him someday with the sound turned off. Watch his body actions. the way he holds his head. He CONSTANTLY looks down his nose at people. Stop listening to the campaign rhetoric that he continues to spew and watch his actions. Look back at history. Look back at the way politics has been conducted since before Al Capone in Chicago. That has now come to the white house. Heavy handed, back door dealing, threatening and bullying to get what you want. Not having one single care that what the people who voted you in want. Using cash to buy what you want. Paying off for votes.

    Dumb in Idaho I have been called racist by better people than you. Don't EVER say it again without knowing who I am. I too judge people on teir character. I judge people by what they say and what they do. If you lie, cheat, steal and bully to get what you want them I will brand you as such. If you care more about yourself and what others can do fo you than what you can do for your fellow man I WILL BRAND YOU AS SUCH! AS far as I'm concerned, trash is trash no matter what color sack it's in.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Mon, Apr 5, 2010, at 7:42 AM
  • Dumbfounded,

    Relax, every one blames those at the top for all the problems. They will vehemently deny that statement but I have been on here for a year or so and there are plenty of posts to indict them on it (and myself at times). He is only one person and therefore cant take all the credit nor receive all the blame. That demands that someone think a little bit more and consider things in a broader scope but hopefully one day it will sink in.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Mon, Apr 5, 2010, at 8:14 AM
  • When Obama filled out his census form He only checked off one box for his race and it was Black African American

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Mon, Apr 5, 2010, at 10:33 AM
  • Nice song your singing there Bazookaman and the Republicans are so much more perfect ! HA ! Your only sad because McCain/Palin didn't make it to the white house isn't that why Palin is having her own Tea Parties?

    OMG ! I just had a thought come into my head don't all politicians make promises they don't keep ....

    And another thought do you suppose out of those 51% of the American People that oppose Obama there could darn well be some racist in the mix

    You belong to the wrong party, Dumbfounded. You guys make bad choices, the country is being screwed and because you guys have no legitimate routes to DEFEND these thieves.............it has become a repetitious 2-step dance of "Bush's Fault" and "Obama's Black." It's the only songs you people know, because you HAVE nothing else that's truthful, factual or credible.

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Mon, Apr 5, 2010, at 10:59 AM
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    Lemme ask you a question Ms. Are some of Obama's supporters racist? I seemd to have heard alot of anti-white, anti-American hate speech coming from Reverend Wright.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Mon, Apr 5, 2010, at 1:18 PM
  • I do believe we have some people in this country that hate, they could be black or white. They have freedom of speech but I am sure the Reverend Wright isn't in the 51% who are against Obama.

    I never heard this Reverends speak only parts of his speech that was on tv. If it was a hate speech intended for whites I would say that is so very wrong because I don't feel its right to hate, but I am not the judge...

    There is also the Nazi groups like the ones we used to have in Northern Idaho who got ran out, but in reality a lot of them are still there. If I am remembering correctly they hated a lot of different people including blacks and they have the right to vote or protest against whatever it is they are against, I am sure they could be in that 51% against Obama

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Mon, Apr 5, 2010, at 5:02 PM
  • I have mentioned this before I am not a Democrat nor am I a Republican ! I am an Independent !

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Mon, Apr 5, 2010, at 5:07 PM
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    All this because we've decided to provide a way for people to take care of their health?

    -- Posted by DaveThompson on Mon, Apr 5, 2010, at 6:31 PM
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    So, it reads like you have no problem with the result, just the way in which the goal was reached?

    Is there a chemical basis that drives your redundancy?

    -- Posted by DaveThompson on Tue, Apr 6, 2010, at 11:56 AM
  • I did a little research and found this to be most interesting

    Republican's & Special interest groups spend a whooping $100 million on misleading ads to try and kill the Health Reform

    Jobs : Final month of George W's Reign 800,000 jobs were lost so you can't blame all the jobs that disappeared on Obama !

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Tue, Apr 6, 2010, at 1:01 PM
  • 100 million spent on misleading ad's. Wouldn't it had been better to spend that kind of money on the truth and not confuse people with lies?

    Can you name anyone who ran for President and won and all the promises they made they kept before Obama?

    Maybe something like Were going to have an Easter Egg Hunt on the White House Grounds >> Promise kept

    Were getting a White House Dog >> promise kept

    What about the more serious questions ?>> promise kept

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Tue, Apr 6, 2010, at 1:22 PM
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    We recognize the need to provide for a common defense, and I believe that providing healthcare insurance reform is easily as justifiable as a common defense.

    -- Posted by DaveThompson on Tue, Apr 6, 2010, at 6:19 PM
  • Ladies and gentleman, I'd like to make public announcement, there's new member of the "Moron Squad" and her is name is "kimkovac", she may be the lead moron.

    Her far-right wing blogs are borderline "insurrection" and unamerican. One wonders where she gets her mis-information on a array of issues. Her and her far-right wing radicals (FRWR)contiune to spread lies, half-truths,hate and division within our boarders and branding a particular polictial party as "socialist and unamerican"

    There was a similar radical group who did the same thing less then a century ago, and that group triggered the most destructive conflict in the history of man, with the blood of millions on their hands. This group bought into the proganda of a mad man. This mad man wrote a manifesto called "Mein Kampf" which stressed the destruction of entire people and he called these people "un-patriotic" and less then human..sound familiar?

    There is a connection, with blindless nationalism and extremism, these were the buidling blocks of the "nazi regime" in Germany. Amazing how history repeats itself. Just because someone doesn't subscribe to your polictial ideaology doesn't mean they are unamerican. On the contrary, it's very american and our founding fathers wanted it that way.

    We are all entitled to our opinions, but in voicing those opinions, be responsible and stop and think about what your about to say, before you say it. The last thing we need in our country right now is deep division, spead by lies on-top of lies.

    My challenge to you Ms. kimkovac, is before you write your next blog, articulate your thoughts in a intelligent and well thought out manner. I'm all about insightful and in-depth conversation...that's the american way, or

    you can continue to sound off in your usual ignorrant manner and be associated with the likes of the "moron squad", it's up to you, it's a free country...go figure!

    -- Posted by DUMBFOUNDED IN IDAHO on Wed, Apr 7, 2010, at 12:09 AM
  • "a intelligent" Dumb In Idaho.

    "your about to say" Dumb In Idaho.

    "american and our founding" Dumb In Idaho.

    "...that's the american way, or" Dumb In Idaho.

    "a array of issues" Dumb In Idaho.

    "Just because someone doesn't subscribe to your polictial ideaology doesn't mean they are unamerican. On the contrary, it's very american and our founding fathers wanted it that way."

    Dumb In Idaho, perhaps before your next post you could take YOUR very words to heart:

    "My challenge to you DUMBFOUNDED, is before you write your next blog, articulate your thoughts in a intelligent and well thought out manner. I'm all about insightful and in-depth conversation...that's the american way, or

    you can continue to sound off in your usual ignorrant manner and be associated with the likes of the "moron squad", it's up to you, it's a free country...go figure!"

    Are you a product of the very same trailer park/public school education that all/most of us are from? Double standards are not attractive no matter how you try to dress them up. Yeah, free country. Go figure.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Wed, Apr 7, 2010, at 7:15 PM
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    Well, I voted, but my "people" didn't win, not at state level anyways.

    As far as lies not being told to me, my "people" were right when they told us we wouldn't have to let the IRS know the number of firearms we own.

    My "people" were right when they told us there'd be no question re: firearms on the census questionnaire.

    Now, if you concede that a few months back, some individuals who contribute regular, redundant responses to these paroxysmal blogs were revealing with certainty that indeed this year we would be required to make the IRS and the Census Bureau aware of whether or not we own firearms,

    you'll save me alot of time finding and linking you to those posts.

    -- Posted by DaveThompson on Wed, Apr 7, 2010, at 8:17 PM
  • The untruths were put out there by the Republicans remember they spent $100 Million to deceive the American people on Health care reform, who knows what else they put out there.

    The Census form wasn't the original one you seen, it was most likely a scam. They announced that there was several variations of the census form floating out there by scammers

    These days you never know what's the truth and what isn't turn the channel and you get something different. To bad the newscasters can't come together and give the same facts on a story

    Then we have Palin sending out great messages for our country. Don't retreat Reload!

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Thu, Apr 8, 2010, at 8:57 AM
  • Dumbfounded: before you judge me, perhaps you should go to the archives and read more. I have written alot of things against Marxist and communist. Anyone who has read my stuff knows me better. You don't have any idea who you are slandering. Courage is what it takes to write the truth. That is what I see from many of the people who write here. Courage to say what is truth even though they know that it will resurrect monsters like you to spew venom. Courage of character, conviction and steadfast belief in the America of our past. You have been blessed with their words, yet choke on it. You are starving for truth while you drown in lies. So very sad.

    I spent more hours researching and reading in order to back up anything I write. All you need to do is spend some time really comprehending the evidence that is available and you would understand. Your words may have given you some joy at the thought of hurting me. I'm so glad that I could amuse and entertain you so well. Did it hurt my feelings? Nah! I feel sad for you. So very sad.

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Thu, Apr 8, 2010, at 1:38 PM
  • Well you know bazookaman I am a little older then you and all my years of watching all the politicians make their speeches they all promise you this and that, but in reality how many actually kept their word?

    You speak of taxes do you consider them unconstitutional since we don't get a choice on paying or not paying taxes. What about Medicare and Social Security do we get a choice in not paying into them via our paychecks?

    Obama care will start as soon as the law suit the Republicans have against Health Reform is over..Then another part of the plan kicks in 2011 and etc etc (Why stifle their selfs with Obama's health care why not go for taxes that we have no say so in how our tax money is spent.

    I just bet if we actually were told the truth and newscasters all came together on getting the facts right, and people like Glen Beck and others like Sara Palin there would be less discord in this country.

    Even when Obama is out the discord will not end there ! It's just a continuance>> You can make some of the people happy some of the time,> but you can't make all the people happy all the time

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Thu, Apr 8, 2010, at 3:11 PM
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    Let the kool aid drinkers watch CNN. Jack Cafferty is starting to stir things up on that channel too. Calling the democrats for exactly what they are.

    We have been lied to and deceived. We bought out two car makers, took over healthcare, did backdoor deals and bribesd to get it, all behind closed doors, taxed the middle class, took away many healthcare beenfits the elderly need to survive, the big business fat cats all got their bonuses even though we were told they wouldn't. Pelosi cried on TV, Republicans were called murderers for not supporting health care, We bowed our head to other nations, took one for the team on nukes, let our soldiers flounder for months while we made up our mind if they needed more troops, we still have an Idahoan held captive by terrorists, we are STILL giving money and letting our sons and daughters die for a regime in Afghanistan that is corrupt as any before it, letting Karzai tell the enemy that we won't attack them unless they say it's ok and then we'll tell them when we are coming.

    The man holding the reigns to all of this is a spineless coward who won't let anyone pry into his past yet wants YOU to pay up for healthcare for your neighbor. All he can do is pew the same phetoric that he used during the campaign. If he doesn't get his way he goes on the attack and starts the name calling and telling people it's all GW's fault. It's NOT, the state of this once great nation sits squarely on his shoulders. He was given a chance to CHANGE things. I guess he has. He as divided this nation like no other. He has made us weak in the eyes of our allies and enemies and god forbid that latter takes advantage of the fact that he won't fight back with both fists.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Fri, Apr 9, 2010, at 3:33 PM
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    WOW..I need spellcheck...LOL

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Fri, Apr 9, 2010, at 3:35 PM
  • I'm elderly please tell me what health care benifits they took away from me?

    Obama didn't divide the nation it was the Republican's spewing out untruths and spending $100 million of our tax money to spin the untruths. Oh but thats ok because they are the perfect Republicans and its all Obama's fault. In 16 months of his reign he has got us into 2 (not really it was Bush)wars one of which was already costing us a trillion dollars but that was Obama's fault too.

    The banks starting going bust before Obama's reign but thats his fault too. He should of done nothing to save our country, you wish he would be just like good old boy George W who wouldn't know how to save a worm if he had to.

    Let's not forget the likes of Glen Beck what an asset he is to our country. He's not dividing our country either. HA !

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Fri, Apr 9, 2010, at 4:47 PM
  • MsM:

    With all due respect my respected friend. One of the many points of this "health care reform bill" is that most will have insurance. Obama himself stated that Medicare would face cuts. It was stated right in one of his many press conferences. Medicaid will also face cuts. Why? Because under this new Bill/Law these programs will go away. Why would we have them if nearly everyone is covered under this new law? There is a web site that you can go to and see what "cuts" will be made. How factual it is is another story but it is a government web page. Why would we have all of these other programs in place if there will be a program that nearly covers everyone?

    Here is another one for you on another subject. I now work in the foreclosure industry. The FDIC is handing out IOU's to the lawyers who do their dirty work on these foreclosures. Keep in mind that the FDIC (our government) have staff attorneys within this organization who could do this work themselves. So, in short, they contract with outside counsel to do a job at a set rate. When the case is done, they DO NOT pay. The attorney gets (in the mail) a "Notice of Claim." This claim is either approved or denied. If it is denied, you do not get paid. If you are approved you get a "Notice of Claim" and a "payment voucher." This voucher makes you 3rd in line for payment (you are a junior creditor of the bank that went under) and it says in short that the bank is broke. If any assets can be sold, they will be but all of these lawyers stand behind everyone else. Contracted by the FDIC/our government---and taken for a ride by the same. Fact not fiction! And this mortgage reform garbage---a COMPLETE sham. There is little reform. These banks/our government are soon to own it all and it is going on right in public view while WE pay for it. What a crock.

    But hey! 5 years down the road when most people have nothing, we can all talk about this blog and how "crazy" some of us are/were. Some of us live this garbage and there is no better lesson. We will see how all of this government welfare works out for the people. If Congress fell under the same plan, that would speak volumes. But they do not. And that speaks volumes about how great this is for the "People." What is good for the goose...

    You get the point.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sat, Apr 10, 2010, at 10:06 AM
  • We Gotta have hope OM not despair !

    I have a Rental house here and its always a touch and go with it. Renter in Renter out ! Why because there is a wide range of houses sitting empty and the owners will do just about anything to get a renter in. So the renters play a game of musical houses sign lease agreements for 6 months and then move out and into another one. The reason for a 6 month lease because if that is what it takes to get a renter in then you do it. We still owe a little money on our rental and if we could sell it I would be in heaven. (Im old not really mean I will be in heaven lol !)

    So I play the cat and mouse game and when the time is right and houses start selling again I will be doing the happy dance when I am no longer a landlady

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Sat, Apr 10, 2010, at 10:26 AM
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    Here ya go MsM,





    And on a personal note my son, a CNA in Burley, said the cuts are already hitting his work. No one is going ot get a raise this year, Doctors and nurses have already had their pay witheld one week while the care facility pooled up more moeny to pay them. Staff to patient ratio, set by the state, will be trimmed down to the absolute bottom so they can make salaries for those left to get one. This means that your loved ones my not be getting the personal care you would like because the caregiver will have to do more with less. My sosn has been doing this job since he was a junior in high school. He now faces the fact that sometime this year he will have to make a decision whether the job he has had for the past 4 years is going to be there for him or will he have to figure out a new profession so he can take care of his family.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Sat, Apr 10, 2010, at 9:21 PM
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