Kim's Comments
Kim Kovac

Speech to Schools

Posted Tuesday, September 8, 2009, at 7:26 AM
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  • I am sure there will be some who will knit pick his speech ! It takes a village to raise children and if our President wants to be part of that village I applaud him ! How many others are willing to help make a difference for our children!

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Tue, Sep 8, 2009, at 10:52 AM
  • I am a retired special ed. teacher/administrator who was a high-schooler listening in class the day President Kennedy called on the citizenry to "Ask not what your country can do for you; Ask what you can do for your country." That statement has pervaded my life choices to this day, as it did for most in my generation.

    Throughout my career, I also emphasized the concept of personal responsibility to my students. Even those who had numerous disadvantages--learning problems, economic pressures, conflicting/negative influences--had more ABILITIES than disabilities. My task was to help students identify their resources while realistically accepting their limitations (without giving those more weight than they deserve). Successful people capitalize on their strengths and minimize their weaknesses.

    When I would give my students end-of-the-year tests they would show (often dramatic) improvement. I would discuss the results with them then ask "Who is responsible for this improvement?" They would acknowledge parents, teachers, specific learning tools, etc,. but then they would finally come down to "I AM!" Right! If that student had not made the effort to use the human and material resources offered, even the best are ineffective.

    An interesting thing happens when people take responsibility for their actions: They suddenly realize that they also get to take CREDIT for their successes. They make the essential link between their own choices and the outcomes--no longer is life dictated by fickle "fate". They recognize that they possess the power to determine the course of their lives in spite of whatever obstacles confront them.

    The challenge to rise to personal excellence, directly addressed to our youth, has the potential to inspire this generation to use their opportunities not only for a satisfying personal life but one essential to humanity as a whole. Well-educated students are more able to listen to divergent ideas without feeling obligated to blindly agree with everything any one individual advocates.

    Regardless of one's political leanings, President Obama's life story is undeniably an example of how modest circumstances do not preclude exceptional achievement. He has an obligation to use his influence reinforce this message that virtually all students have heard from parents, teachers, and other adults in their lives. I am confident that today's students are capable of understanding the truth in today's address. Obama's statement that if his words "...convince even one student to stay in school" his time (and that of our students) was well-spent.

    -- Posted by justacitizen on Tue, Sep 8, 2009, at 2:24 PM
  • Seems to me he didn't say anything he truly believes in for our country. Look at what he does, not what he says. This guy is doing his best to ruin the future of my kids and grand kids with his tax and spend policy, his world policy of going around the globe and bowing and apologizing. His czar mentality, his supreme court nominee, his view of our military(buy your own health insurance if shot in war)his position on the right to own a gun and a barrel more of crap .Forgot his stanch on infanticide. He needs to stay away from my kids and grand kids.As far as I can tell he is one good liar. I think it takes a family to raise a family, not a village. Sounds like something Hillary would write.

    -- Posted by skeeter on Tue, Sep 8, 2009, at 6:08 PM
  • It takes more then family's to educate our children that's why we have schools and those teacher's are helping raise our children by teaching them subjects they don't get from their family's. Thank goodness I had more then family help me with my children and Grandchildren

    Veterans Health care >>> What you think he said wasn't true


    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Tue, Sep 8, 2009, at 10:47 PM
  • Guess all those home schooled kids aren't doing so well. I need a list of who is in that village I always hear about. Lawyers, taxers, illegal's, predators, drugged, crooked politicians, and thieves. I have no problem with teachers as my mother was a teacher as well as my sister and uncles. I have a problem with people telling me I need a village. I'll decide what I need to do to raise my family, not someone else. If someone needs a village that's their problem.

    -- Posted by skeeter on Wed, Sep 9, 2009, at 6:59 AM
  • My intention for writing this blog was to be fair and balanced. Not my slogan but borrowed from FOX News. I would have opted out my kids if there was anything in his message that I felt was inappropriate. However, I also thought it was a great opportunity for my kids to view him and perhaps start asking questions that I could answer. I asked my daughter what she thought of the speech and she shrugged her shoulders. I asked if he said anything that meant anything to her and she replied, "Not really. I don't care what he had to say cause I don't like him." Of course, she spoke in her usual teenager-attitude while keeping her eyes on the TV. Well, she's only 13! What did I expect? However, I know that in the future, as she always does, suddenly out of the blue, she will ask a question out of curiousity. As far as the phrase it takes a village to raise a child. As much as we would like to think that we raise our kids, the fact remains that once they reach the teen years, their life questions more often than not, are asked of their peers. And if we are lucky, there will be an adult mentor, teacher or not, who will come into their life and they will trust them with questions that they won't ask their parents. That is always my hope that a good adult influence will be part of their growing-up. I had a few good teachers who inspired me and I pray always that there will be a few for my kids. That is why we must be ever-watchful of who is in our kid's lives. (Time 6:28am)

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Wed, Sep 9, 2009, at 7:29 AM
  • So Bazoo do you remember why Prayer was taken out of school? Who was the cause of that? It sure wasn't Obama ! Oh and The first George Bush spoke to our children in school ..hmmmmm let me see he was our President and GOVERNMENT when he spoke to the children in school but thats ok? because he's a Republican! He's boy Jr read to the children but thats ok to because he was our leader. HA HA ! I wonder how many words he stumbled over while reading........

    Skeeter you must be telling me you home schooled your children and Grandchildren? And did you send them to church or would that be somebody else teaching them about God and not you ?

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Wed, Sep 9, 2009, at 9:20 AM
  • I personally think President Bush was not broadcast to the schools in the same manner as number 44 was. Number 44 has a history that is disturbing to me. Also I could trust the first President Bush a little. Number 44 not at all. As far as my God and I, it probably isn't anyone's business unless I bring it up to them. Still no word on what the village is. Of course teachers are a very big part of development. I don't thinking peers are in the true definition of what a village is. I remember Hillary saying part of a village was lawyers who would help kids sue their parents.

    -- Posted by skeeter on Wed, Sep 9, 2009, at 10:33 AM
  • The speech was relatively benign. Certain people will object to anything he does and says. It matters not what it is, they have to complain and give impassioned rhetoric. Not willing to think about it logically or from another perspective. Oh well not everyone can be that way.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Wed, Sep 9, 2009, at 10:58 AM
  • Democrats weren't very happy about the first George Bush speaking to our children. Guess it's that Republican Democrat mentality that goes on between the two parties

    The village would be whoever you associate with that you think would be instrumental in teaching or looking after your children. My village when I was raising kids included family,friends, neighbors, my children's friends parents,teacher's, the Dr's I took them too. There were times I knew what my kids were up to before they even came home... lol !

    And as I got older and had to raise my Grandson I was happy to have that village helping me. He turned out a fine young man and is now 21.

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Wed, Sep 9, 2009, at 10:59 AM
  • Obama says

    "I expect great things from each of you. So don't let us down -- don't let your family or your country or yourself down"

    What he didnt say is that the country will probably let down the kids.....

    -- Posted by Ontherocks on Wed, Sep 9, 2009, at 11:02 AM
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    Off subject, but it concerns the President's most recent address to Congress. I'm disappointed that Rep. Charles Boustany (R) Lousiana, has provided no way for citizens, other than those in his district, to send him an e-mail through his website. If the guy doesn't want to respond to anyone outside his district, what makes him qualified to respond for Republicans across the nation?!

    -- Posted by DaveThompson on Wed, Sep 9, 2009, at 7:14 PM
  • I think the speech was rather benign. Certain people will agree to anything he does and says. It matters not what it is, they have to agree and give impassioned rhetoric. Not willing to think about it logically or from another perspective. Oh well not everyone can be that way.

    -- Posted by skeeter on Thu, Sep 10, 2009, at 6:12 AM
  • Honestly, we must continue to raise our voices against this healthcare plan. However, I truly believe that Obama and his crooks are doing themselves in quite nicely without our help. And rightly so, because we know that what they are trying to do will not work and the American people have become active and alive. The Dems are falling fast along with the approval rating of their man. There will be no need to take up arms because they will do themselves in. What I am very pleased about this whole administration is that it has brought millions of people out of their own lives and caused them to start really paying attention. For far too long, and I include myself here, we have not been watchful because we were so tied up in our own lives. The crisis of this country has done exactly what it should have done. Wake us up. For that, I am grateful to Obama and the liberals. God bless them! (time-6:43am)

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Thu, Sep 10, 2009, at 6:42 AM
  • His plan will cost "900 billion dollars, but won't grow the deficit by one dime".

    How is that done? What's he gonna do, buy a fistful of tickets and hope to win the lottery?

    You must of been in another room when he was talking about how he was going to get the money to pay for the health plan or it was over your head !

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Thu, Sep 10, 2009, at 9:38 AM
  • *

    It doesn't take a village to raise a child..It takes PARENTS that CARE. People who turn thier children over to other people to raise are just plain idiots. Schools are for education period. Not for indoctrination or for raising my child. My children learn their values from HOME. To believe in god and the constitution. To believe that the government works FOR THEM. Teachers that tell children to call Health and Welfare if they get spanked for being bad need to go. Now don't go off on me about child abuse. I was a cop for 14 years and have seen true abuse. A child that gets a hand across their little behind becomes an adult who knows right from wrong and the punishement for misbehaving. I've seen too many welfare case where the parents won't touch their children and in a lot of cases these children are the ones I see over and over again in court because they don't have a standard to measure their behavior.

    Keep your village and I will raise my children MYSELF....to know right from wrong and know when the government is leading them down the wrong path.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Thu, Sep 10, 2009, at 10:32 AM
  • It does take Parents who care and then there is some that don't take care of their children and so that village helps.

    I find no fault with our president talking to school children. With the drop out rate that's going on these days I say if his speech will make a difference and keep kids focused on getting their education and staying in school I am all for that.

    You are very narrow minded if you think people that hand their kids over to some one else to raise are all idiots ! There are many different reason's some kids aren't being raised by their parents. A parents death or health issue.

    That's great you were a cop for 14 yrs. Why didn't you stay with it?

    My husband and I were a foster home for those neglected and some abused kids that were taken away from their family, some through the state and some we took in on our own. We don't do it anymore because of our age and don't have the patience any more.

    I don't think you listened to his speech !

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Thu, Sep 10, 2009, at 11:15 AM
  • So Bazoo your now playing the blame game and blaming Obama for not having prayer in our schools?

    As far as the cop goes did he know what his job would entail when he decided to be one? I think he is big enough to speak for himself and doesn't need you to do the talking about his job !

    Bazoo I think you just love to be heard because you have so much to say !

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Fri, Sep 11, 2009, at 9:04 AM
  • The phrase, "it takes a village...." is not meant to be construed that every adult in the village has input on raising the child. I think certain people know this but choose to be ignorant and need something to voice their disapproval about. Knitpicking it when you knew what it really meant is weak.

    The speech did not have anything that would not have been said by another president. People like to complain. I am sure that certain people that post here would complain even if they won the lottery. They have to see the inherent problem in everything. Usually that means that they think the same of themselves.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Fri, Sep 11, 2009, at 10:50 AM
  • *

    I agree Twil, the speech given was quite benign. It's the speech that he was going to give orginally that I had problems with. The one given was highly edited before he gave it to the children.

    Hey Msm....I gave up being a cop because I got very tired of the politcal BS. I was told once that a particualr sheriff in a particular county could commit a crime but the POST council wouldn't take away his certification because as a elected official he would still be sheriff until voted out. There is very little integrity left in law enforcement in this state. I held myself to a higher standard and knew when to get out. Without naming names or towns, just look around and wonder how much goes on that you don't know about.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Fri, Sep 11, 2009, at 4:54 PM
  • mhbouncer I know what you mean... I grew up in a town in Wisconsin and the police department was corrupt. The chief of police owned one of those famous HOUSES and occasionally he would arrest the madame so no one was suspicious. When my brother and I were teens we used to sit outside one of those houses and wow gee what a surprise when we seen our neighbor come out. lol!

    That same neighbor I babysat his kids and the oldest boy had a early morning paper route. One morning he never returned home. They found him later that day laying in a ditch dead. His murder is still unsolved and I always believe our corrupt police department had something to do with it. Maybe he seen something he shouldn't have!

    So Bazoo where is Glen Beck? I heard on tv today that back in 2005 he had some pretty bad remarks about the victims family's of 911. He said he hated 10 of them or something like that.

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Fri, Sep 11, 2009, at 8:35 PM
  • *

    Good gosh! Do you know how disappointing it is to see the same rehash of a moot point months after the furor generated by self serving talk show hosts?!

    Please fact check these articles on your own, please!






    -- Posted by DaveThompson on Fri, Sep 11, 2009, at 9:03 PM
  • *

    Umm Dave, two of the links lead to the same page and the other gives me a 404 error. Anyways..so we go back a few years when Beck worked for the Communist News Network and made a comment. Beck moves on with his life, recovers from alcoholism, who wouldn't be if you worked at CNN, finds god and sees that his comments were in error. Glenn Beck makes amends with those families he hurt and now champions several charities that support those very same families. I guess it takes a bigger man to admit his failings and change his life than it does to find fault in those you dont' like and call them names like NAZIS!

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Fri, Sep 11, 2009, at 10:36 PM
  • So Since Beck has found God has he toned it down?

    He is one example that I wouldn't want my children to listen to...........and you think Obama speaking to our children was such a bad idea !

    Beck is nothing but an old wind bag. lol !

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Sat, Sep 12, 2009, at 9:32 AM
  • *

    Nope, Beck is still just as passionate about this country as he ever was. His 9/12 project was begun to bring AMERICANS around to the way we felt after the 9/11 murders. A sense of being AMERICAN, not democrat, not republican, black, white, yellow, whatever.THere was a sense of pride in being American that has been lost and he's trying to help people find it again.

    Back on point with speeches, did anyone listen to the radio address given by Obama today. The part where he tells us it's time to put country over party? Is he actually listening to the people out in front of his house today? Are ALL of these people republicans? Then later in his campaign rally...ooops it was a healthcare speech...he said, "They can't stop us, let's get this done!" Which "Us" is he talking about..is he talking about the Republicans in congress, the fact that they don't hold the numbers to stop any legislation? So wouldn't that be putting PARTY over COUNTRY? And the rhetoric continues!

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Sat, Sep 12, 2009, at 5:36 PM
  • Ms Marylyn, you have a right to your opinions as well as everyone else. However, I don't think that a man who speaks of common sense and the core values that most of us grew up on is an old wind bag. Because the term 'wind bag" kinda means B.S. I thought you were for things like honesty, charity, reverence, hope, sincerity, moderation, diligence, courage, and responsibility. I am almost sure that these are the very values that you have taught all of the children that you rescued and those you brought into the world. Glenn Beck talks about family and the common sense of Thomas Jefferson and Paine. He talks about the Constitution. So if he is a wind bag that would mean that commen sense and values are BS. I just can't see you thinking that. So maybe before you make a judgement of someone, you could listen to what they talk about. My impression of you is certainly not how you sounded with that comment. But that's my opinion.

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Sun, Sep 13, 2009, at 12:31 AM
  • So what does Glen Beck do for our country that makes him important and great? What was it he said about the 911 victims? Did I hear any common sense and values in that little speech he gave? Oh but he has been forgiven !

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Sun, Sep 13, 2009, at 8:52 AM
  • *

    Msm, Go out and research a little more on Glenn Beck. If you need help just ask Dave...he seems to have alot of links to great information. The very families that Beck spoke about have forgiven him. I don't think he needs or does he care if you forgive him or not. Takes a bigger person to admit they are wrong and make amends.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Sun, Sep 13, 2009, at 2:12 PM
  • Thanks mhbouncer I will look for more info on Beck. Could you help me find the story where it say's that the 911 victims family's forgave him? I can't seem to find it maybe I am not looking in the right places !

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Sun, Sep 13, 2009, at 2:55 PM
  • *

    Hmmm...after looking through 3 pages of google search all I could find was left wing hate speech about Beck. I guess you could say if they haven't fogiven him then they are hypocrites for taking the money he has raised for their families. God forbid anyone would be able to print something GOOD about Beck. But, alas, if you're left wing liberal radical it's easier to get your thoughts published on the web. Those of us who are the core of the RWE movement are denounced as nazis. Forget about talking about how great this country is or that the constitution is a valid document and should be followed. Help us if people like Bazooka and I feel free to express several of the freedoms guaranteed us by that same constitution such as speech, the right to bear arms and the pursuit of happiness. Don't take into account that the same document says we can't be taxed without representation.

    There's a good thing to bring up. How many of you actually feel the people in congress are ACTUALLY representing us, or are they representing their own interests or worse just following the herd by voting down their party line? So if they aren't representing us, should we have to pay for all the pork barrel ear marks they write into the laws the don't read before they pass? Why should we pay BILLIONS of taxes so they can give it to people who uses it to support criminal actions i.e. ACORN.

    Bazooka is right MsM. Go to Walmart and buy Becks book, even better I'll loan you a copy. If that doesn't appeal to you then go find one of several books that have been published by DEMOCRATS that actually bash Obama and his gang of thieves. Dick Morris's book is very eye opening.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Mon, Sep 14, 2009, at 9:08 AM
  • Here's what I have learned about Beck so far........

    He was born in Washington State. Raised catholic faith.

    Married had 2 children and later Divorced

    Remarried again to his present wife and has 2 kids by her and is now Mormon faith.

    Is a recovering alcoholic and was addicted to drugs

    He's a Television & talk radio personality .... of coarse I already knew that..... He's written a few books.

    What I am still trying to find out is what organizations did or does belong to? What charities he has contributed to and did he serve our country? What makes him important say as to compared to others? Lot's of people write books and are Television and talk radio hosts......

    Now I know your probably going to say its no ones business what organization he belongs or belonged to and what charities he donated to, but I believe if he is in the public eye than there should be something out there about this?

    What has he done for our Country?

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Mon, Sep 14, 2009, at 10:04 AM
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    Apparently you had your TV turned off..or turned to one of the news shows that DIDN'T show what happened in Washington on Saturday. I guess you could say he is an instigator in getting people to question their government.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Mon, Sep 14, 2009, at 10:46 AM
  • You are wrong I watched some of the news reports on the news about the march on Washington where 60,000 people showed up ! I used to live there seen lots of protesting including Martin Luther King's march

    So of the talk show hosts who do you like better?

    Glenn Beck

    Keith Olbermann

    Rachel Maddow

    So what do they do for our country?

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Mon, Sep 14, 2009, at 11:40 AM
  • LoL ! Concealed News Network ....... I can't remember which program I heard that number kicked around !

    And if the fear and angry citizens don't see eye to eye back fire's while taking our country back then what?

    I don't think I want to live in fear arming myself again!

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Mon, Sep 14, 2009, at 1:06 PM
  • My fear experience was right here in the states back in the 60's, and I think there are other ways to make yourself heard ! You being a Marine you must know what I am talking about what took place back then. We had machine guns set up on the White House lawn

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Mon, Sep 14, 2009, at 5:22 PM
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