Kim's Comments
Kim Kovac

The 787 Billion Dollar Question!

Posted Wednesday, July 8, 2009, at 8:08 AM
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  • Yes, where are all of those jobs? Where is all of the credit that should be "easy" to get (oh yeah, it goes to the people to buy homes who cannot afford to do so from a "budget" or economic standpoint). It is going to HUGE first time home buyer tax credits (once again for people who cannot afford to even buy a house). It went to the banks so they could raise interest rates to that of default rates but they say they are "normal" and just a sign of the times. And how about appropriations! Our local proposed recreation center is attempting to ride those coat tails (for several years now truth be known). That is where all of this money has gone. Like a kid in a candy shop with $20 bucks!

    Yep, change I can believe in for sure. Oh, and where is Obama these days? All over the world fixing things in Russia, etc. News flash...we are BROKE here and charity begins at home...where that is for Obama nobody knows for sure. Great blog Kim and good comments Mike as always.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Wed, Jul 8, 2009, at 8:49 AM
  • It does take months for any economic event to filter down to the public sector. Politicians always shorten the time horizons. That being said, 3-4 million jobs is a pipe dream. What kind of pipe....... (j/k).

    We do not need easy credit. Credit led to the current crisis. We need to work on producing assets instead of borrowing. Overly optimistic estimates are fine for the Jerry Lewis telethon but when the quality of life is at stake, I think some realism would be nice.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Wed, Jul 8, 2009, at 10:22 AM
  • *

    The states haven't started paying out the money to begin the work programs. Bids are still coming in for the many projects that will help create jobs. I read it in the Idaho statesman or one of those newspapers, a couple of days ago.

    And as for the bail out money, you all know that the majority of it was wasted on bonuses instead of what it was meant for.

    Homework, homework, homework,.....

    -- Posted by censored on Wed, Jul 8, 2009, at 12:51 PM
  • Yes, most know that a project of any size takes time to implement. Politicians/Lawyers/Public Service officials take an hour to address the question of what overpriced corporate lunch cafe they are going to eat at let alone something of importance. I have no hard evidence but I would say that the end result is not worth 787 billion or more. I do not know if McCain or whoever would have done it differently but lets hope someone in the future can cease the borrowing. Playing hero at the expense of the future is not my idea of wise decision making. Overall, the money was bound to shrink by the time it reached the public as there are many Democrats who need to play hero as well.

    What I mean by play hero is have this money go to their state or whatever cause so that they can get on TV and brag about how even in tough times they were able to benefit their constituents. The expletive is thick and piling up. Hey, wait we will create jobs by hiring people to shovel the enormous mounds that are forming in DC and have it shipped elsewhere. Bad joke but someone has to poke fun at it.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Wed, Jul 8, 2009, at 3:52 PM
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