Report from Hazzard
Patrick Montgomery

So there you are and you have to potty

Posted Monday, November 10, 2008, at 7:13 PM
View 11 comments
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    You attempt at an apology is rather hollow since this is not the first time you insulted people then tried to say you would do better and failed in that attempt.

    You say if you want to scrap then do it elsewhere. But if you want to blog and attempt to upset people on here then be prepared to hear from those that find it offensive.

    I told you I am not going away and that is a promise I plan on keeping.

    You stated that your blogs are about operating a tow truck but can you explain to me what this current one has to do with operating a town truck? If you talked more about going out and helping recover a vehicle that was involved in an accident under adverse conditions or rescuing a stranded family, then I could see the point. But this blog is all about a subject that many of us would rather not talk about. I mean would you talk about this at the dinner table with your mother?

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Mon, Nov 10, 2008, at 7:23 PM
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    "Okay it was 05:00 hours , got an insurance tow to SLC Utah. Going down no big deal, since it gave me a chance to drive off a mad from the night before and drive off a few glasses of Jack and Coke that I used to get my brain turned around."

    Just how impaired or intoxicated were you driving to SLC..... "driving off a few glasses of Jack and Coke"

    -- Posted by workingbee on Mon, Nov 10, 2008, at 8:02 PM
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    Good point workingbee. I missed that one. I have to wonder how decent of a tow truck operator he is. As one that has lost not only friends but family to drunk drivers, if I have one, I don't drive no matter the reason. Guess aryewolf is not worried about getting stopped for a dui. All it will cost him is the abilty to operate his beloved tow truck. But that would give him more time for the radio station or tv station or even take a communication class.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Mon, Nov 10, 2008, at 8:09 PM
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    Old guy,

    I can't wait for the response to this one and one I just responded to on another months pay wasted..........

    -- Posted by workingbee on Mon, Nov 10, 2008, at 8:24 PM
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    Don't blame us for commenting

    -- Posted by workingbee on Mon, Nov 10, 2008, at 8:34 PM
  • I can honestly say I have never seen an apology approached with such vulgarity. How can you even think you are apologizing to anyone when you start your apology talking about your bodily functions? I can't even imagine how this kind of public display would make your mother feel. As a mother I would be hanging my head in shame. And so should you.

    -- Posted by Amused MtnHomey on Mon, Nov 10, 2008, at 8:49 PM
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    So just to make sure I understand, your blog was to point out the lack of rest stops for big rigs....... didn't they just put up a new rest area between Glenns Ferry and Jerome......

    My husband comes from Southern Culture and after 15 years of marriage I don't recall him conversing with the world his bathroom woo's........ but then again he isn't from Hazzard........

    I hope Joy at MHN does something about this.

    -- Posted by workingbee on Mon, Nov 10, 2008, at 9:19 PM
  • I have a feeling Joy will be taking care of this problem. Your blog has stepped over the line so many times, I am guessing she will be puting an end to it soon.

    -- Posted by Amused MtnHomey on Mon, Nov 10, 2008, at 9:19 PM
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    We too hope Joy at MHN does something about your blog. Now you are saying that only Confederate Rebels and Southern Culture should be the only ones reading your blogs. I can tell you that I have asked them to look at not only your language from the weekend but how you are constantly disrespectful to many of us. I hope they do the right thing and either require you to tone down or stop your blog. I have said it before and I will say it here, DO THE RIGHT thing MHN and if Mr. Montgomery does not follow your guidelines, remove him. He has violated the guidelines over and over and nothing has happened. I beleive in and defended freedom of speech but this is not freedom of speech. This blog is the ranting and raving of what many of us consider an unstable person.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Mon, Nov 10, 2008, at 9:24 PM
  • Lets be honest, with all respect to all responders involved. No one would be here if we didn't enjoy reading his crazy, dilutional writtings. It keeps us interested and gives us something to do. Keep on blogin' wolfman, but keep in mind I'm not going to ever let up on you.

    -- Posted by obamaman on Mon, Nov 10, 2008, at 9:26 PM
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    I second that motion.... Old Guy

    -- Posted by workingbee on Mon, Nov 10, 2008, at 9:26 PM
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