Letter to the Editor

School administration handled graduation the best they could

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Dear Editor,

I know that there has been a large amount of negativity surrounding the graduation and celebration of the senior class of 2020. As a senior in these crazy times I believe that the situation was handled very well and professionally by the administration and the Mountain Home School District. Our Administrators at Mountain Home High School make it their lives’ work to make every student's high school experience the best it could be! Mr. Gunderson literally tore his Achilles tendon dancing for us at a pep rally! That being said, hard decisions need to be made sometimes and you can't please everyone, no matter how hard you try. I think they handled the situation exceptionally well considering the circumstances and the graduation they put together was incredibly fun for me and my classmates! I am proud to say that I am a graduate of Mountain Home High School, I am proud to say that my class came closer than we ever have before, and I am proud to say that I received my diploma from my three favorite administrators surrounded by all my amazing teachers on May 23, 2020.

This year has been a crazy ride for sure, but the teachers, administrators, school district, and community showed me that Mountain Home truly is “One town, One team.” I am beyond grateful to be able to call myself a tiger and a high school graduate!

2020 Mountain Home High School Graduate,

Elizabeth Bearden