A piece of history from the archives: No Rationing of Freedom

Thursday, November 14, 2019

There are so many definitions for freedom. It is what you call an alluring word-because it means all things to all people.

Ask the small boy on a spring day and he'll answer you promptly, "No school and the fish biting." Ask the speculator, he'll say, "No restrictions and a quick market." Ask the dictator and he'll say, "A fat neighbor who will not struggle against my divine right to take what I want."

Ask the pioneer and he will say, "Uncluttered horizons and a chance to make my own way." Ask the Idealist and he will say, "A new world where all may share of the bounties of the Earth." Ask the religious man and he will say, "A life in which I may worship my God according to my own conscience and obey His holy laws."

Why are there so many definitions? Because freedom is not a static thing. It is not a rule but a way of life. IT is an obligation. It is determined by our relationship to other people. Only the hermit can be free alone. Freedom in a civilized community is the way of life that demands intelligent followers.

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