Letter to the Editor

I will not vote 'yes' in November

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

To the voters of Mountain Home, Idaho,

I called the director of the local library and asked if I could look at the roof of the library building so I could assess the damage situation for myself. The damage to the roof is regarding the flat part of the roof having nothing to do with the metal roof at all.

When they refer to a membrane cover for the flat roof it is in fact a very thin rubber-plastic polymer looking substance applied to what looks to be wood. It is an extremely thin membrane.

I walked around the roof with the director as he explained and showed me how he has experimented with a number of different coatings and patching systems.

His comment for some of the new coatings and patching systems he was trying had successfully stopped the leaks where they were used.

These systems were applied over the existing system and the original system was not removed and they had successfully stopped the leaks where applied. Some worked and some did not.

The director explained that if they did not replace the entire flat roof then the roofing companies would not warranty any kind of patching system.

The board of directors of the library have determined that the entire roof needs replacing based on their communications with industry experts in the field.

I am from San Diego, California but I did graduate from Mountain Home High School. In San Diego I was involved with the resurfacing industry where I was introduced to Super Crete which is a substance used for leveling air plane runways to driveways, highways and of course roofs.

In my opinion the library roof may need some areas where the wood should be replaced and then patched and that the patching experiments conducted by the library director are proving that with the right polymer compound that patching does work "without a warranty".

Industry experts are biased at best and representing the industry for the sale of a new roof at worst.

In regards to the inside of the library some areas are water spotted and in other places there are bulges in the wall that may need some serious attention.

I did not get the impression that any part of the ceiling could not be repaired with skills from local experts in the field of resurfacing walls and ceilings.

If the city could find the company to build the building then please find the appropriate contractors for repair of this building.

I will not vote yes for this levy as the cost is out of line for the work that needs to be accomplished.

— Roger L. Hesler

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