Election results: Trump leads in Elmore County

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Voters in Elmore County overwhelmingly threw their support behind businessman Donald Trump while selecting two new state representatives and the county's next sheriff during Tuesday's general election.

According to initial results released by the county elections office, Trump led Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in Elmore County with 5,816 votes compared to 1,814 for the former secretary of state.

Meanwhile, voters in Elmore County chose Mike Hollinshead as the county's next sheriff. For complete election results, pick up a copy of the Nov. 9 edition of the Mountain Home News.

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  • Great! Now we can get to work. As soon as the EPA has gone we can cut trees down in Pine, Prarie, and Featherville. We can lift the no burn law in Mountain Home and burn coal and wood in our fireplaces. We can shoot as many animals as we like (especially wolves and coyotes.. be gone dammit). We can now have that Nuclear Power station on the Snake River in Hammett, Idaho, and we can get even more jobs by taking on more toxic waste to clean in Grand View. With the cheaper oil prices we will get from fracking we can have bigger trucks and rejoice that those emission tests will be gone. As soon as the Trade Agreements have been annulled we can produce cheap goods to sell to the world. China will buy our goods, and they will be so cheap because we will be using our resources instead of China's, and we will be paying back China those many trillions within the pricing of our cheap goods. As soon as the Paris Climate agreement is annulled we can pull down all those experimental windmills and solar outfits that were beginning to pop up and we will all have jobs manufacturing cheap goods from our natural resources. It's also great to know that now Russia will have our back with the alliance Mr. Trump will build with Putin. Yay! Welcome to our New World!

    -- Posted by strawpuppy on Thu, Nov 10, 2016, at 11:12 AM
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