Letter to the Editor

Generosity is appreciated

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dear editor,

My neighbor, who wishes to remain anonymous, this year she is crocheting hats and mitts for the children in Head Start. They are five and six years old. There are 23 boys and 16 girls.

She crochets a long strip to connect the mitts so they can run them down their coat sleeves and not lose their mitts.

She will have all of them finished by Dec. 18th when they are given to the children. The hats are different colors and styles for boys and girls.

Another wonderful gift she gives is making sets of booties, tiny jackets and a beautiful matching blanket. These are displayed in various places, and when someone buys one as a baby gift, the money is donated to a charity such as the St. Vincent Society.

Any donations of scraps or ends of yard she could use in making these would be most welcome. You may contact 587-4975 if you wish to share your leftovers of any color.

-- Rosemary Hopkins,

Mountain Home