Music of the holidays...

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Robin Mulligan directs the Hacker Middle School Choir as they perform "Oseh Shalom" during a community concert Monday evening in Lloyd Schiller Gymnasium at Mountain Home High School.

Nine choirs from Mountain Home High School, Mountain Home Junior High School and the middle school performed a variety of seasonal favorites during this year's event.

Michael Stear, director of choirs for the high school and junior high school, use different combinations of students from his groups versus using specific choirs for the different numbers that evening.

Sariah Burnett performs the introduction to "Go Tell It on the Mountain" as the junior high school choir prepared to join in during Monday's concert.

The holiday music continues at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 18, as the high school's concert and jazz bands join band students from the junior high school for a winter concert in the high school gym. The show will feature traditional holiday classics and a march.

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  • Mrs. Mulligan did an outstanding job with such a large group of youngsters. I thought they sounded wonderful! Looking forward to hearing more concerts from them.

    -- Posted by Mom2thebest2kids on Thu, Dec 18, 2014, at 8:13 AM
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