Pay it Foward

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I was at Walmart on Sunday before Christmas there was a very attractive woman and her handsome husband in front of me and my daughter ready to be checked out. We both had our items on the conveyor belt with the divider between our items. As the nice couple in front was being checked out one of their items had fallen and it rang up twice, I was joking with the nice gentleman who had picked up this item and the clerk had taken it off and I said here if you need more items to purchase you can purchase mine. His wife said well you will have to talk to my husband about that, and we all laughed. Keep this in mind I was only joking about them buying my items. After the gentleman and his lovely wife checked out they left and the cashier started checking my items out then I noticed the gentleman had come back in and walked over to where I was checking out, he threw down a $20 bill, gave it to the cashier and said please apply that toward the ladies purchase. I was amazed and very astonished and I turn to the gentleman said thank you very much but you don't need to do that he said no Merry Christmas and I said thank you and I shall pay it forward.

This time of year is really hard on a lot of people and everybody and money is tight and jobs are scarce but here this gentleman was so kind and his wife to do something like that in the spirit of Christmas. I shall always remember his face. I shall always remember their faces. I am saddened as I did not get these peoples name.

I want them to know that their money went to good use, as after we had left we seen a family broke down along side of the road and we gave them the money and a little more and told them that it was a gift from a couple who believed in giving. Thank you for not only did you do a nice thing for me to restore my faith in humanity but it also helped others from your kind and unselfish act, to a complete stranger. I want the couple to know and I hope they will see this letter so that they know their gift of kindness was truly appreciated.