Letter to the Editor

Liberal is tied of being bashed and demonized

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dear editor:

I have advanced cancer, so I do not have a clue on how far I have to go in this world.

All I do know is that it's my first time writing an editorial response to the paper. After reading Mr. Bradbury's letter concerning his definition of what a true American is, he basically states that if you are a liberal, you hate America.

We had to endue eight, long years (Bush) of a border-line imbecile, aided by a five deferment, power hungry little twerp who grooves on torture but doesn't get his lily-white hands dirty. We have to endure deep thinkers like a Ted Cruz or a Mitch McConnell that the only way to govern is their way or the highway.

Yeah, go Tea Party!

As Mr. Bradbury constantly reminds us, he is a veteran who loves his country. You are not the only veteran! And sir, you are not special.

I'm a veteran, too, as are many of us. After all, this is a military town. We all have different outlooks on what this country means to us.

For me, it's a liberal point of view. I do not want to overthrow the government or turn the country into a Socialist paradise. Being a liberal, I too get a lump in my throat when I hear the Star Spangled Banner.

My nephew is on his third tour in Afghanistan, and he voted for Mr. Obama. Is he less of an American because of who he voted for? According to your beliefs, I guess he is. Ain't that right, sir?

Being a liberal, I believe that every American deserves a fair shake, not just the Koch Brothers or Karl Rove.

The hate and invective leveled at our legally elected president by the Tea Party is racist and insulting. Where was the Tea Party when 9/11 happened? If this happened under Mr. Obama's tenure or any Democrat, I can hear and see you and the other Tea Party people coming after Mr. Obama with a rope for a good old fashioned lynching. Anything a Democrat puts forth in legislation is either Socialism or any garden variety anti-American scam.

Well sir, I'm sick of this!

I will not take my being a liberal as anti-American anymore! Enough is enough.

You want to fly a Confederate flag? Please be my guest. It's a free country.

But while you do so, might as well fly the swastika. This way, you can bring hurt and pain to Jewish people as well as black people. For those flags, check out the History Channel instead of Fox News for a bit. The Klan flies the Confederate flag!

But I guess they are good old fashioned Americans expressing their patriot views. Sir, I do not imply that you are a racist. But your views can be described as, well, to the right of Rush Limbaugh.

Right wing Republicans always have the same old mantra: Less government and don't take my guns!

I might suggest that you and your fellow Tea Party friends visit beautiful Somalia. There's no government at all and they have all the guns you can get your hands on! Paradise!

I'll just bet no one ever saw this letter coming. A liberal with a backbone who is also a war veteran and loves his country the same as Mr. Bradbury. And sir, if you were still in the military and not obeying the president's orders, there is a word for this action.

It's called treason.

-- Walter F. Bilenski III, U.S. Air Force retired