Treasure Valley NAACP Installs 2011 Officers, Board Members

Monday, January 17, 2011

On January 11, 2011, the Treasure Valley Branch NAACP installed its recently elected 2011 officers and board members. The Rev. Michael J. Ross, Sr., Pastor of Saint Paul Baptist Church Boise, Idaho administered the oath of office.

Branch President Charles Taylor, a resident of Mountain Home said the branch has been actively fighting civil rights issues for decades. 'This year will be no different, in fact will be our most challenging yet", said Taylor. "Today, our branch is proud to carry on the goals and objectives of the National Office for all citizens of the Treasure Valley, which encompasses Elmore, Ada, and Canyon Counties. As a non-profit organization, all officers and executive committee members at the local and State conference level work on a volunteer basis, to defend the rights of those who cannot defend themselves. Their primary purpose is to address civil rights complaints filed by the citizens. Each complaint is processed according to NAACP guidelines and procedures.

The branch officers are: President Charles C. Taylor, 1st Vice President C.D. Houston, Treasurer Genara Toy, and Secretary Jennifer Simon-Jones. Board members are Clarisse M. Maxwell, Henry D. Toy, Sr., Karen Gordon, and Vincent Gordon.

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