Letter to the Editor

Islam is nothing but a dangerous cult

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dear editor:

NO CULTS in America.

Cult: 1. A system of religious worship or ritual; 2. Devoted attachment to a person, principle, etc.; 3. A sect.

Sect: 1. A religious denomination; 2. A group of people having a common philosophy, set of beliefs, etc.

Religion: 1. Belief in and worship of God or gods; 2. A specific system of belief, worship, etc., often involving a code of ethics.

First Amendment of our Constitution. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." RELIGION not cults! Islam is a cult, (devoted attachment to a person -- Muhammed -- and principle --their desire to kill anyone who dosen't believe the way do. This is not a religion (a specific system of belief often involving a code of ethics or moral standards like love your neighbor as yourself, maybe?

Remember Charles Manson, Jim Jones, David Karesh and the branch Davidians, Heavens Gate? Just to name a few. All attachment to a person and their brainwashing. Where are these followers? Dead! Islam falls into the same category, attachment to a person's own demented ideas in this case, kill anyone who doesn't believe the way they do. Blow yourself up, and those around you and receive virgins in an afterlife.

Come on folks, get real. Get enlightened. Dare to think for yourselves. Where are these poor souls? Dead! How easily people can be herded in these dangerous and destructive, and negative cults. People of the world, when do civilizations rise up from the tyranny of this demented brainwashing? This islam is a cancerous cult on life itself. Think not? Look up cult on the internet!

-- James Loris