Letter to the Editor

Please pick up your litter

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dear editor:

I am responding late to the May 6, 2009, paper.

I agree with letter by Betty Ashcraft concerning Wind Power. Letter was titled' Wind Power should be focus" Sorry, that was not by Betty it was by Stephen James Speak (editor's note: we regret the error).

The next letter was from Betty about CD Houston for school board I agree with that, too. I plan to vote for him.

I sure hope we can use wind power for much of the power we need. It is available and given to us by our creator, God. We need to take care of the earth God gave us. That means we should not throw papers anything on the ground as litter. It really bothers me to see trash on the roadsides. Oprah had a show about it. They said there is enough trash in our ocean to fill the state of Texas. That is a disgrace to we human beings. Our wildlife think some of it is food and die because of it. Please people, DO NOT LITTER.

Barbara J. Larson