Father Raul to return to church Sunday

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Father Raul Covarrubias will return to Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church in Mountain Home Sunday, the Diocese of Boise has said.

Father Raul was placed on administrative leave in September following allegations of sexual abuse of a minor.

The church determined the allegations to be false but found evidence of other unspecified and unrelated misconduct.

The church has not had a full-time priest since Father Raul was placed on administrative leave.

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  • www.bishop-accountability.org

    /abusetracker for daily verified global coverage of the ongoing criminal cover up of the cardinals and bishops of the Roman Catholic Church.

    The curia is still actively endangering YOUR children, from known pedophiles, that are in ordained, vocationed, ordered, secular and consecrated ministries, all for one reason: MONEY - YOURS!

    Argumentation that the Pope Benedict XVI th (PR Stunt) Damage Control Tour, in DC and NYC, will change anything, is a FRAUD.

    Over 4,000 known pedophile clerics have been removed from American ministries at a cost to all laity of over $2.8 BILLION DOLLARS, just in the USA, with absolutely no end in sight, no real correction, a continued dog and pony PR show, that something was or is being done, and no punishment for the primary cause of this, the aid, abetting, enabling and transferring BISHOP & CARDINALS, while the law suits continue to be filed.

    There is only ONE solution.

    The laity pay 100% of all RC Church bills...STOP DONATING!

    In point of fact the USCCB internal numbers how donation are down over 43% nationally in the last 12 months, which triggers the Papal visit spin visit.

    Until the guilty curia (many hundreds still in office) are each removed, each canonically censored, and each placed under life time house arrest, as was done to serial pedophile and founder of the Mexican Cult Like Legion Of Christ religious order, Marciel, or alternatively each is EXCOMMUNICATED, nothing will be reformed!

    By the 'way', this is a mild Chrsitian Mercy sentence, considering what these racketeering , embezzling, pathological perguring, obstructore of justice, evil miters and red hats each really deserve.

    Pedophiles are incurable. Pedophile enablers in miters and red hats are incruable. They are both maligent cancers in the Body Of Christ; now, not some potential entries (if any) to seminaries!

    To quote Groucho Marx regarding the Bishops' & Cardinals' ongoing EVIL: "Who are you going to believe? Me, or your own eyes?"

    At www.amazon.com there are over 90+ recently published books on the subject, all 100% accurate, from such salient and cogent authors as: Bishop Jeffery Robinson, Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, Richard Sipe, Jason Berry, Dr. Leon Podles, David Yallop and Fr. Thomas Doyle, OP.

    For free on www.youtube, you can watch the 2006 US Academy Award BEST DOCUMENTARY nominated 'DELIVER US FROM EVIL', or alternatively, just out on DVD, 'VOWS OF SILENCE', which can be found for FREE at many local public libraries, or requested there.

    Go With God Laity, But STOP DONATING To Force Rome's Hand In Punishment Of The Very Guilty & Very Unrepentant Curia Closing Pairshes, Slashing Ministries, Diverting Donations, Selling Of Laity Paid For Assets & Litigating Tooth & Nail To Deflect The Blame From The Primary Source - Themselves.

    In the Passion of Our Lord & Savior, Jesus, Pilate rhetorically asks a question, which is incorrectly translated, as: "What Is Truth?".

    For you Latin Scholars, the correct translation from the Roman use, of the language of the time and place, is: "WHO'S TRUTH?!"

    You do not have to be a lofty theologian to figure out why the vested rich clergy 'mysteriously' changed the tranalation.

    Pace e ciao!

    Albino Luciani

    Reporting From Heaven, where John Paul II, my successor, is no where to be found, as he appointed 99% of these pedophile enabling cardinals and bishops.

    -- Posted by Albino Luciani on Sat, May 31, 2008, at 10:48 AM
  • I don't remember the Bishop ever outwardly stating sexual misconduct with a minor. He even went as far to say that no illegal activity was reported.

    While I agree the church in the past as messed up dealing with the issues of sexual abuse it is unfair to categorize every member of the clergy as an abuser. Father Raul stated in his address to the parish what he did and the steps he has taken to ensure that it won't be repeated. I take him at his word and still consider him a great pastor and servant of God.

    His actions were no worse than you can see in many places in this town every night. He sinned and confessed and is repentant. When accused he never tried to deny or misplace responsibility to anyone. He shouldered his wrong doing by himself and with the grace that only Christ can give us in the time of our lives that we stumble.

    While his professional reputation has been damaged from his actions, do we really need to add unproven claims and guilt by association to his name too? Father Raul is a good man that made a mistake and I have to say if God can forgive me and you for all the things we have done in our lives shouldn't we live it in his hands to deal with the stumbles of his pastors.

    My respect for him as he stood in front of over 200 members of the parish meeting I attended and admitted his mistake and ask for forgiveness and acceptance from the people he pastors has only grown. This is the same man that help me shoulder the burden of sickness in my family and has help me grow closer to Christ in the years I have had the opportunity to be associated with this Parish.

    I can continue to worship, support and enjoy being Catholic even after I read crap like that posted above by Albino Luciani. Not supporting the Church is not an option if you don't stay in the church and support it how can you change it? I understand that my monies go to pay the victims and cost of programs to help them. To tell you the truth I don't have a problem with that. Men make bad decisions all the time and we as taxpayer fit the bill for that too.

    -- Posted by mtnhomeguy on Mon, Jun 2, 2008, at 1:31 AM
  • I'm not Catholic and I don't know this man, but I don't understand how it is so important that he not be married, yet it is okay for him to have "transgressed" and still be a Priest. I personally think that it would just be better if Priests were allowed to marry, but like I said, I'm not Catholic and don't understand. I'm not saying he's a bad person, but how can he still retain his position?

    -- Posted by IdahoBorn on Tue, Jun 3, 2008, at 10:13 AM
  • Catholics understand celibacy to be a reflection of life in Heaven, and a source of detachment from the material world, which aids in one's relationship with God. Catholic priests are called to be espoused to the Church itself, and espoused to God, without overwhelming commitments interfering with the relationship. Catholics understand celibacy as the calling of some, but not of all.

    That's pretty much the idea behind the Churches reason for having celibate priest. Recently as the question has come up more and more most have been asked and a lot of parishes don't want the burden of increased cost for married priest. Priest that are married from the Anglican church that re-enter the Catholic Church as Priest can be married until the death of their wife. However they have said that it's hard to enter parishes and feel that the extra burden on the parish is expressed. To allow Priest to be married would be a major change in parishes because they would have to shoulder the increased responsibility to provide for the families.

    I didn't say it was ok that he transgress but it not my place to judge and I believe we are all sinners and that by grace we are offered redemption. This is what the Christ offered him. The Bishop in counsel with the Parish decided to allow Father Raul to return. Breaking a vow that he makes to the Bishop is something the Bishop determines if his rededication to the vow is sincere. Father Raul is back because the Parish wanted him back because he is a good man and pastor and we understand he has the same faults as any human. Being a priest doesn't make him more or less human.

    -- Posted by mtnhomeguy on Sun, Jun 8, 2008, at 11:09 PM
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