Jarvis continues to lead rodeo team at competitions

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Five members of the Mountain Home High School Rodeo Team placed in the top five at its rodeo in Homedale over the weekend.

Justin Jarvis placed fourth in tie-down roping and third in team roping with his partner Kristan Ducharme.

Jarvis also placed fifth in Sunday's tie-down event.

Sarah Cantrell placed first in breakaway roping and Cynthia Scholte placed seventh.

Cory Hurley placed second in bull riding.

The team has completed eight of its 10 rodeos in the season. Highlights from the season include:

Jarvis won the saddle bronc and steer wrestling events to open the season April 5 and 6.

Jarvis and Ducharme placed tenth in team roping.

Cantrell placed tenth in goat tying.

On the meet's second day, Jarvis won the saddle bronc again and finished first for in team roping with partner Henry Youren and seventh with Ducharme.

On April 19, Jarvis won the saddle bronc, took fifth in steer wrestling and eight in tie-down roping.

Billy Graham placed third in bull riding.

On April 20, Jarvis placed second in saddle bronc and Cantrell placed 10th in goat tying.

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  • *

    Congratulations to the High School Rodeo Team. This is another team that isn't often heard of, but they do a great job of representation!

    -- Posted by jessiemiller on Wed, May 14, 2008, at 1:46 PM
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