City's Halloween winners listed

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
One of the scariest sets of costumes at the city rec Halloween party, not in a judged category, was this group all dressed up like Mayor Joe B. McNeal (center).

Optimus Prime, Nemo, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Captain America, were among the many costumes worn during the Halloween Carnival at Hacker on Halloween Night.

The carnival was open to all children ages 0 to 14 years old. The carnival included 20 game booths, face painting and a costume contest.

Mayor Joe B. McNeal was in attendance, as one of judges for the Halloween Contest. McNeal was joined on the panel by Public Works Director Wayne Shepherd and his wife, Cheryle, retired city employee Pat Ducharme and Luise House of the Mountain Home Public Library.

The judges chose the top 3 best costumes in 11 age groups. The winners were:

0-2 years old

1. Tristan Abrego (Chewbacca)

2. Ketnie Bolden-McKeel (Geisha Girl)

3. Ayanna Gleaves (Lamb)

3-4 years old

1. Tyler Newman (Scarecrow)

2. Jamie Sabol (Penguin)

3. Tyler Mcphail (Pirate Girl)

5 years old

1. Sean Sabol (Dragon)

2. Alexis Pluta (Southern Belle)

3. Isaac Walter (Little Devil)

1st Graders

1. Troy Mcphail (Firefighter)

2. Carmen Spencer (Vampire)

3. Tristan Bolden Ramirez (Spider Girl)

2nd Graders

1. A.J. Saucedo (Astronaut)

2. Matthew Dominguez (Corpse)

3. Hanna Rios (Angel)

3rd Graders

1. Talon Crossley (Reaper)

2. Tessa Chadwick (Queen)

3. Kaitlin Whitney (Witch)

4th Graders

1. Katherine Groggett (Lady In A Shoe)

2. Pamela Jackio (Witch)

3. Warren Carle (Hunter)

5th Graders

1. Dylan Richardson (Alien)

2. Nevin Grondin (Slot Machine)

3. Sydney Oppenhein (Madusa)

6th Graders

1. Gerald Jones (Vampire)

2. Angelina Main (Zombie Girl)

3. Heather Sabol (Veterinarian)

7th Graders

1. Nate Groggett (Ventriloquist)

2. Kyla Clemens ("Walking" Baby in a cradle)

3. Louisa Tellez (Demon Punk Rocker)

Family Costumes

1. Star Wars

2. Rhinos

3. Witches

The Star Wars family featured Han Solo (Jonathan Morano), Darth Vader (Devin Abrego), Princess Leia (Tori Abrego), Storm Trooper, (Jaden Abrego), Yoda (Jordan Abrego), Queen Amidala (Toni Abrego), Anakin Skywalker (Eric Abrego) and Chewbacca (Tristan Abrego).

The judges and other local dignitaries all praised the event,

"It was fun, I think the 6th and 7th graders were really creative, but the little ones were so cute," said Wayne Shepherd.

"We had an excellent turnout, and the costumes were great," said Stan Franks of the Mt. Home Parks and Recreation Department.

"I think this is great, everybody's having fun, and it's a huge success," said Mike O'Neill, Reverend of the Nazarene Church.

O'Neill was joined at the carnival by his son's U-13 boys soccer team, who volunteered in all of the festivities for the event.

"I think the costumes were phenomenal, the overall turnout was a lot better than I expected, and this is a safe environment for the kids," said coach Mike Hedrick

"The City Parks and Recreation Department does a wonderful job in putting this event on, they have always had a great turnout, and deserve a lot of credit for their hard work," said House.

"It was great, the costumes were original and the Parks and Recreation Department need to be commended for a fine job in putting this event together and having the safety our community children their main purpose," said McNeal.

Next year, the carnival's costume contest will have two new categories, Best Adult Costume and Best Pet Costume.

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  • Would love to see the rest of the pictures taken that night!!

    -- Posted by qb247 on Wed, Nov 7, 2007, at 3:56 PM
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