Letter to the Editor

Mayor has a tough job, but he is a great administrator

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dear editor:

I believe that our mayor has excellent administrative skills. I say this because our streets are paved, the garbage is picked up, flags fly on time honoring our military community, and the city is growing. Mountain Home has grown and is changing for the better.

A good leader knows how to hire the right personnel, delegate tasks, and follow through to make sure the tasks are completed properly. A good leader does not try to do all the work himself. Mayor Joe McNeal is a good leader.

If I am not mistaken, Mayor McNeal's opponent has actually endorsed Mayor McNeal's administrative hiring skills by claiming that he will keep the same administration intact if he is elected to office.

The mayor's job is more than just an 8-5 Monday through Friday job in the office. Many functions important to the city happen on nights and weekends and the mayor is there. So-called politicking and kissing babies by the mayor has produced spectacular growth for our city during the last 4 years.

Hamp Wright