Robin Murphy honored as 'humanitarian'

Robin Murphy, the juvenile specialist at the Mountain Home Public Library, has been honored with the regional Head Start Humanitarian Award for 2007.
Murphy was nominated by the local Head Start facility and will now be considered with other regional winners for the state award.
As part of one of the library's outreach programs, Murphy goes every week to the local Head Start to read to all three of its classes. She also was cited for her work with the children when they come to the library and her help with the Day of the Child (Dia de los Niņos) celebration sponsored each year by Head Start.
In addition to her work as a librarian, Murphy also is chairman of the First Book of Elmore and Northern Owyhee County project, a committee that works to put books into the hands of underprivileged children. That committee recently provided a $500 gift card to be used by Head Start at Borders Book Stores to help buy books for children in the program.