Outraged! Not Guilty ?

Posted Thursday, July 18, 2013, at 10:27 AM
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  • Suppose that young man killed Zimmerman...Would be we be having a similar conversation? Would you still be outraged?

    Never mind, I already know the answer to that question.

    -- Posted by TundraRat on Thu, Jul 18, 2013, at 11:31 AM
  • TUNDRArat.........NO you don't know the answer.....I WOULD BE OUTRAGED ....BECAUSE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A HUMAN LIFE.I don't get real wrapped up in in the P.C. GARBAGE I DO GET WRAPPED IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND OTHER THAN WAR AND HENIOUS CRIMES I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH KILLING BECAUSE YOU THINK,OR FEEL AND SOME OTHER BS REASON TO KILL PEOPLE.I personally had a problem with several police shootings in boise that I thought were totally uncalled for and they had nothing to do with the colour of who got shot the fact was they got killed and I thought needlessly.just as I feel the martin kid did.get IN TOUCH WITH THE WHY AND THE HOW OF THESE KILLINGS IF YOU WANT TO JUSTIFY THEM.when a cop shoots a kid in the back of the head who was handcuffed on the ground and they declare it and accident,there should be a question specfically when why he was being detaining was questionable.

    FOR some reason you seem to be all bent out of shape because of the way some of us feel about the Zimmerman verdict.JUST so you know I was bent out of shape about the O.J. VERDICT WHICH SOME WANT TO BRING INTO PLAY HERE.

    You don't know ......so ask.

    -- Posted by lamont on Thu, Jul 18, 2013, at 11:59 AM
  • TundraRat

    Did you even at least listen to the first video? And in answer to your question I would be just as outraged and upset if Trayvon had killed George and got away with murder.

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Thu, Jul 18, 2013, at 1:25 PM
  • Neither one of you would have made a peep about this if it had been the other way around.


    Because the national media would have never run the stroy.


    Because no one would care including the two of you.

    This was not about race or guns. This was a situation where two people, both wanting to show the other just how tough they were. The trajic part of the whole thing is that a young man lost his life.

    Zimmerman was tried by a jury and acquitted. Personally I don't think there a snowballs chance in haites of this guy ever being convicted of murder and the prosecutor knew it. He filed the charges for purely political reasons. However, I did feel that there might be a chance of finding him guilty of manslaughter. But since I wasn't on the jury and wasn't privy to all of the evidence I'm not going to second guess their decision. And you shouldn't either!

    -- Posted by TundraRat on Thu, Jul 18, 2013, at 2:53 PM
  • NOTHING LIKE BEING CALLED A LIAR......... IT REALLY MAKES MY DAY......SO IF I SHOULD REACT BADLY THEN WHAT/???????? I know I didn't do anything.......hello!!!!!!!

    -- Posted by lamont on Thu, Jul 18, 2013, at 3:08 PM
  • *

    The neighborhood watch program has been around since the 60's. When it started in my area, some 25 years ago, the police made it clear that using weapons was STRONGLY discouraged. The only "equipment" necessary to take part in it were a good set of eyes and a phone. Even today, an old rotary dial phone will work to call 911.

    Keep watch on your neighborhood and report suspicious activities to the proper authorities. That's the whole idea.

    Pretty simple concept really.

    -- Posted by wh67 on Thu, Jul 18, 2013, at 4:43 PM

    -- Posted by lamont on Thu, Jul 18, 2013, at 4:54 PM
  • Warren

    Were weapon discouraged or forbidden? There's a difference.

    -- Posted by TundraRat on Thu, Jul 18, 2013, at 6:15 PM
  • The member watch group in that gated community had a hand book of instructions that were to be followed. It said if you see suspicious activity like some one breaking out a window or a crime happening you are to call the police. The watch person was suppose to be the eyes and ears nothing more.

    By the way Tundra I have been following murder cases since way back in the 60's. Have tons of non fiction books about murder.

    In the 90's my sister in law was murdered by a shooter.... Have all the Newspaper Clippings about her Murder that happened in California. You have no idea what its like to loose a family member due to violence, and you live with that every day! Her death still bothers me. She came to visit us a few months before she was killed. We were out camping when we got the word she was killed.

    New Murder trial I will be following soon. The trial should start around the 29th of this month.

    My heart goes out to all victims of murders. I can sit and cry over someone I don't even know.

    It pulls at my heart strings when I hear about a senseless death and the criminal gets away with murder.

    George Zimmerman got away with murder as did Casey Anthony! Both Florida Cases!

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Thu, Jul 18, 2013, at 6:34 PM
  • Lamont

    I guess I did sound as if I was calling you a liar. That wasn't the intent. The point was that if the media wouldn't carry the story so you couldn't possibly be outraged about something you don't know about.

    Personally it doesn't matter how you or I feel about the verdict. He was tried and found not guilty. If had been on the jury and had the opportunity to view all the evidence my opinion might be different but I wasn't and neither were you.

    Having been in similar situation as a young man I guess I have a different view of how this situation whole have gone. In my situation Inwould have been Traybon. The difference is that I'm still here. I was walking in a dark neighborhood and was confronted by an angry gentleman. I told him who I was and where I lived. He followed me home spoke with my dad. Afterward he shook my hand and left. I think this would have gone a whole different direction if I had given this man an attitude.

    If Trayvon hid in some bushes and then jumped out and attacked Zimmerman Inacn certainly see how he felt his life was in danger. With the injuries that Zimmerman had I have to conclude that there ia at least some potential truth in this scenario. I can also see how

    Trayvon felt threatened. I believe that if Trayvon had handled the situation differently there likely would have been a more positive outcome. Unfortunately none of us will ever know.

    -- Posted by TundraRat on Thu, Jul 18, 2013, at 7:36 PM
  • Valuable evidence was lost in that case because the police never planned on a thorough investigation. I believe that is because, like Zimmerman, they pre-judged the victim because he was a teenager and he was black.

    So then we are left with only Zimmerman's account of the case and he was caught in lies. It appears that most of the jury felt that Zimmerman was guilty but because of the law and the missing evidence they felt that they couldn't convict him.

    In that town if Zimmerman would have been black and Trayvon had been white, Zimmerman would have been arrested immediately and the crime scene protected from the affect of rain. The verdict would have been guilty.

    This case was about racial targeting and flaws in having a "stand your ground" law which allows murder rather than stepping away from a situation.

    Nobody knows what Trayvon did. He didn't have bruising like he had been hitting anyone. To make an assumption based on Zimmerman's self serving lies is a mistake.

    -- Posted by Sam_1776 on Thu, Jul 18, 2013, at 7:50 PM
  • MSM

    I'm sorry to about your sister.

    Zimmerman was found not guilty of murderer. It doesn't matter what you or I think he can't be tried again for the same offense.

    Both of these guys made mistakes. Either one could have turned down the testosterone and the outcome likely would have turned out better for both of them.

    -- Posted by TundraRat on Thu, Jul 18, 2013, at 7:55 PM
  • *


    As I recall, there was never anything said in those early meetings about forbidding anything. A more accurate description would have been that the officer(s) conducting the meetings stressed that direct citizen intervention should be avoided at all times and use of weapons was discouraged.

    -- Posted by wh67 on Thu, Jul 18, 2013, at 11:58 PM
  • If someone were beating my brains out on the sidewalk, I would have taken whatever steps were necessary to stop the attack. Since I wasn't there, I can only judge based on the little evidence provided. From what I saw & read, Zimmerman was probably justified, regardless of race. How many people have been shot since this happened? Why don't we hear anything about those cases? I'm sorry, but it isn't always about race!

    Sometimes it is only about self defense!

    -- Posted by IdahoFrank on Fri, Jul 19, 2013, at 1:19 AM
  • -- Posted by IdahoFrank on Fri, Jul 19, 2013, at 2:03 AM
  • IdahoFrank, we only have Zimmerman's word who lied about other things that he was getting his head beat out.

    Zimmerman repositioned the body after he shot Trayvon. Zimmerman followed Trayvon after the dispatcher told him that she didn't advise that. You have to look at who was minding his own business that night and who was the aggressor.

    This was about racial targeting.

    -- Posted by Sam_1776 on Fri, Jul 19, 2013, at 7:53 AM
  • Thanks Warren,

    But I'm not sure that even if their handbook forbids weapons while performing watch duty....would that make Zimmerman guilty of a state or federal crime?

    I guess for me I would find it hard to convict a guy of murder when it appears that he was attacked. If Zimmerman didn't have those wounds to his head and face it might be a different story.

    Unfortunately there are no witnesses that can provide the whole story. At this point if you look at this with an open mind (at least from my perspective) it appears that two guys (probably both with a chip on their shoulder) on a power trip. As I said before, if either one had used their head this would not have ended this way.

    If Zimmerman is guilty of anything, it's being stupid. Unfortunately being stupid isn't a crime.

    -- Posted by TundraRat on Fri, Jul 19, 2013, at 8:21 AM
  • *

    Sam wants to believe it has to do with race and stand your ground even though there is no evidence of it. The problem is sheeple believe what the media wants you to believe. It doesn't matter what your race is or politics are if you have a weak mind you will believe the spliced 911 recording and lie's spread by a media trying to whip up a race war.

    -- Posted by Trouble2011 on Fri, Jul 19, 2013, at 1:50 PM
  • People should be able to disagree with you Trouble2011 without being called a "sheeple". I watched most of the trial and formed my opinion on that. Got to love those DVR's.

    -- Posted by Sam_1776 on Fri, Jul 19, 2013, at 4:04 PM
  • It seems to be that opinions on the case are divided along two points of view: those that think that America needs to do better on race and those that think that there is no racial issue in America.

    Funny thing though the second group seems to be almost predominently white.

    -- Posted by Geordey on Fri, Jul 19, 2013, at 5:54 PM
  • There'sanother side. A side that understands that racism exists in all segments of society. That side also understands that until all sides accept that they have an equal responsibility to fix the problem and pointing fingers only enflames the problem.

    -- Posted by TundraRat on Fri, Jul 19, 2013, at 7:06 PM
  • Sorry I didn't finish that thought.

    Both sides have torealize that their respective sdies are equally responsible for the divide that exists. And instead of just pointing fingers at each other we cannot move forward.

    -- Posted by TundraRat on Fri, Jul 19, 2013, at 7:31 PM
  • I don't think that waiting for all things to be equally improved is the answer. The biggest problem is racial targeting of black people. Let's take care of that and then take care of the next big problem. Any racial issue towards whites are a drop in a bucket.

    -- Posted by Geordey on Fri, Jul 19, 2013, at 7:45 PM
  • I don't think I said it has to move forward equally but all sides have to acknowledge that we are all guilty of some sort of bias. The other thing that needsnto be acknowledged is that is done to you by another ethnic group was racially motivated.

    -- Posted by TundraRat on Fri, Jul 19, 2013, at 10:59 PM
  • I think that I'd rather move forward without putting in any requirements that acknowledgements are made from all sides that everyone is guilty of bias. That is just a delaying tactic IMO.

    We need to get some better laws.

    1. Profiling by race, religion, etc. should be against the law.

    2. Stand your ground laws need to be gotten rid of.

    3. Police in all regions need diversity training and stiffer penalties for not equally enforcing the law.

    Pass the laws to protect innocent people, and work on changing people's hearts and minds as best that you can.

    -- Posted by Sam_1776 on Sat, Jul 20, 2013, at 8:24 AM
  • Alright, I'm off the Ipad. Now maybe I can make my comments make sense. Below is a re-do of my last comment.

    I don't think I said it has to move forward equally but all sides have to acknowledge that we are all guilty of some sort of bias. The other thing that needs to be acknowledged is that not enerything done to you by someone from another ethnic group was racially motivated.


    You can't fix it if you don't acknowledge that it exists.

    1. How would you prove someone profiled?

    2. I don't particularly like stand your ground laws. But, I also don't like the idea of telling people that they have to attempt to walk away form the situation. Walking away means turning your back on someone who may be armed. You won't get a second chance to defend yourself if that is the case.

    3. Add judges into the equation and I think you're onto something.

    I'm all for laws that protect the innocent as long as those laws don't prevent the innocent from protecting themselves from the guilty.

    Changing hearts and minds is where it has to start but it can't happen until we are all willing to acknowlede our own issues. We also need to understand and acknowledge that just because someone did something that we think was wrong doesn't mean that it was racially motivated. It may have been but it not have been.

    -- Posted by TundraRat on Sat, Jul 20, 2013, at 10:27 AM
  • TundraRat in answer to your points.

    1. If someone sees a young black teenager walking on the sidewalk and decides he's up to something then he's targeting him based on something. It was proven that he was walking along, talking to his friend on the phone minding his own business.

    2. Why not back away, instead of turning and walking away, if you have the gun?

    3. I totally agree with you on that. Judges and prosecutors.

    -- Posted by Sam_1776 on Sat, Jul 20, 2013, at 10:43 AM
  • My thoughts You wouldn't have to turn your back and walk away if your not following someone.

    I'm a walker have been all my life and I will say this when I am walking after dark or sometimes even day time and some man is walking towards me and I don't know him I will cross the street before he even gets near me.

    Something I have always done ever since I was a young girl. Am I profiling because its a man and not a woman? Or that's not profiling?

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Sat, Jul 20, 2013, at 11:36 AM
  • Sam,

    There question that this kid was profiled. The question is, was he profiled because of his race, or was it for some other factor: was it because of the way he was dressed, his age, or because he was someone he didn't recognize in his neighborhood? A neighborhood that by all accounts has been hit by a number of thefts. It's my understanding that race only came up after the dispatcher asked for a description. I don't have the transcript and I'm not going to pay for a copy so all I have to go on is what the media reports. Then again you have the FBI who supposedly were somehow involved and they stated that they didn't think it was racially motivated. And if I'm not mistaken, the Martin family lawyer stated that he didn't think that it was racially motivated either. I'm almost positive that I heard him say that on the Today Show interview. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

    My concern with porfiling laws is that they may result in everyday citizen becoming afraid to report suspicious activity for fear of being labeled a racist or because they mey think that if they call the police and it turns out to be nothing they may be subject to a law suit. I know that last part may be reaching a bit but we are a sue happy society these days and anything is possible.

    Back away? Maybe, how far? Is it possible considering terrain, light conditions, etc. But ultimately it sounds like we are putting the burden on the victim instead of protecting the victim.

    We can Monday morning quarterback this thing till the cows come home but there's probably not an answer. In my opinion both of these guys had an opportunity to prevent the outcome. It's unfortunnte especially for the Martin family, they can never get their son back. Zimmerman will never get his life back either, the leagal trials and law suits will continue for the rest of his life.

    I'm outta here, it's time to let my family know how much I love and appreciate them.

    -- Posted by TundraRat on Sat, Jul 20, 2013, at 3:05 PM
  • MsMarylin it probably is profiling but on the other hand you are just crossing the street. You probably don't have a ready to fire pistol within easy reach and you don't intend on following the person because he's a man.

    TundraRat, reporting suspicious behavior, even if you are profiling shouldn't be a problem. It is a problem when you have a ready to fire pistol and rather than wait for the police decide to follow the suspicious person.

    Also, I don't believe that Zimmerman was a victim. He was a predator following a teenager who wasn't doing anything wrong. Nobody knows but Zimmerman what happened in the end and Zimmerman was caught in many lies. We do know that he started the whole thing and he took it upon himself to shoot to kill and then rearranged the body.

    -- Posted by Sam_1776 on Sun, Jul 21, 2013, at 9:36 AM
  • SAM-1776.....I said he was guilty the moment he got out of the vehicle....I truly believe he instigated the incident and we will never know for sure.I to do not buy how he could tell so many lies and get away with it.Self admitted he rearranged the body.The kid was on a sidewalk not walking in the grass looking in windows so I really don't know what Zimmerman was talking about .I GUESS THE KID SHOULD HAVE KEPT HIS EYES STRAIGHT AHEAD AND WALKED.I don't know anyone who does that.ANYHOW SUNDAY STATESMAN INSIGHT SECTION BOTH KRAUGHTHAMMER AND LEANARD PITTS HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY IT.S WORTH READING BOTH..........HAVE A GOOD SUNDAY.

    -- Posted by lamont on Sun, Jul 21, 2013, at 11:03 AM
  • Then there was the fact Zimmerman wasn't even arrested until over 40 days after he Killed Trayvon.

    Another thing when the media first started talking about this case they showed a video of Zimmerman taken into custody at the cop shop. When he got out of the car you couldn't see any injury or blood on him. Why didn't the prosecutor show that video in court?

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Sun, Jul 21, 2013, at 1:40 PM
  • *

    Hello everyone! :)

    I haven't read many of the comments and I'm not here to pick a fight. I just want to add my two cents. And honestly, what I have to say probably isn't even worth that.

    I think Travon Martin was profiled. Profiled for walking around in the dark on a rainy night with dark clothing on and not being known by the neighborhood watch captain. Those are all reasons to be suspicious of someone. If you don't believe me, try sitting in the parking lot of Albertsons after they close wearing dark clothes and eating Skittles. See how quick the cops show up. And I apologize if this offends anyone but, maybe it was also for being black. When you have 3% of the black population committing 50% of the crime, people tend to profile and become suspicious. It's human nature and embedded in our DNA. Suspicion and profiling are how humans and animals survive. If we don't like it, maybe we should work on getting those numbers down rather than blaming whitey.

    Also, Sam, I believe a pistol should ALWAYS be ready to fire and within reach. Unless it's being pointed at me, of course.

    Hope you guys and gals had a nice weekend and everyone is doing great! Lamont, glad to see you on here and that your feeling better buddy :)

    -- Posted by KentuckyTransplant on Sun, Jul 21, 2013, at 5:29 PM
  • hey KT .......I AGREE ON ALL OF IT.....CAUSE AND AFFECT.......There should be a difference between adult thinking and teenage thinking....stay in the vehicle George......


    -- Posted by lamont on Sun, Jul 21, 2013, at 6:43 PM
  • Lamont

    You mentioned that Zimmerman rearranged the body. The only thing I can find is that he claimed that he moved Trayvon's arms straight out to his side because he thought he might be holding a weapon. Is that what you are talking about or is there something more that I haven't t found?

    -- Posted by TundraRat on Mon, Jul 22, 2013, at 4:16 PM
  • NO that was it.......I questioned why he moved anything he knew the kid was dead.With his knowledge of police procedure I question his motivation.I ALSO question why his inconsistencies were not taken into consideration.He was deemed credible but JANTEL was not.I understand her enunciation of the English language(SUB CULTURE) left a lot to be desired however I don't understand some from the south white and black.For ME tundra THERE ARE TO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS.I feel to much got glossed over.The acceptance of MR Zimmermans story bothers me TO NO END.....I have been in a lot of fights and based on how he said he was being beaten I DONT BUY his lack of injury's.There should have been a lot more bruising.........ANYHOW it is done now that doesn't mean people don't have the questions I HAVE........I think that is why so much anger.....just my thoughts.

    -- Posted by lamont on Mon, Jul 22, 2013, at 10:22 PM
  • Some people have said that Zimmerman rearranged the body to make him appear more threatening.

    Some Zimmerman fans are now posting on different sites a photograph of a black man, about 30, with tons of tattoos, and looking like a boxer and claiming that this is a picture of Trayvon. They are attempting the same thing. Trying to make a 17 year old child appear threatening.

    -- Posted by Sam_1776 on Tue, Jul 23, 2013, at 10:22 AM
  • Did Zimmerman take a lie detector test? I don't remember hearing anything about a lie detector.

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Tue, Jul 23, 2013, at 10:42 AM
  • I just found the answer. Yes he did and he passed.

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Tue, Jul 23, 2013, at 10:45 AM
  • *

    Sam, Not sure we can call a 17 yr old a "child". These young adults seem a lot bigger and stronger now a days than when I was growing up. Maybe I'm just getting old but, I've seen sophomores at my kid's school that I wouldn't want to tangle with. You have to also remember, many 17 yr. olds and younger went off to fight during WWII by lying about their age. Obviously the military wasn't able to tell they were "children" and I'm sure they seemed just as threatening to the enemy as a 40 yr old.

    And why is it that if we believe that there wasn't enough evidence to convict a man, we are now his "fans"? Saying he has fans is putting him on a pedestal. I'm not a "fan" of the man, I'm a "fan" of the system. The one where a person is judged by a jury of his peers and not by society or a race, or because Al freakin' Sharpton says he is guilty. That mentality kind of sets us back about 60 years and is a slap in the face to the people who were killed and worked so hard for where we are today. This case may not have went the way a lot thought it should. But, he was judged according to the law by a jury and that should be the end of it. You can disagree with the outcome but, we don't get to go back to the 50's and string him up just because Al, Jessie, and the blacks who are burning and looting their own communities say we should.

    -- Posted by KentuckyTransplant on Tue, Jul 23, 2013, at 11:47 AM
  • The people that I'm referring to as "fans" are the people that are posting a picture of a large 32 year old man with tons of tattoo and falsely representing that picture as that of Trayvon.

    I call any barely 17 year old a child. You want to not call him a child because you think that will help justify what Zimmerman did. I want to call him what he was, a boy walking along in the community that his father lived in, talking to his girlfriend on the phone.

    -- Posted by Sam_1776 on Tue, Jul 23, 2013, at 2:03 PM
  • On the question of the lie detector test, it was a voice stress lie detector. This is what USATODAY is reporting on that.

    Zimmerman was asked nine questions, including two related directly to the shooting: "Did you confront the guy you shot?" the tester asked. "No," Zimmerman responded. "Were you in fear for your life, when you shot the guy?" the tester asked. "Yes," Zimmerman said. The examiner concluded that Zimmerman "told substantially the complete truth."

    Ron Grenier, a former FBI agent and lie detector expert, said the voice stress analysis test is not as reliable as a polygraph test. Also, he said, it's unclear what the examiner meant by "confront." Further, such tests don't measure a person's state of mind or fear at some other time, he added.

    "He may have convinced himself that he was in fear of his life, but whether or not he was is not definitive," Grenier said.

    Zimmerman's responses would be more meaningful, he said, if he had been asked, " 'Did Trayvon Martin attack you and knock you to the ground?' Or 'Was Trayvon Martin on top of you hitting you before you shot him?' "

    -- Posted by Sam_1776 on Tue, Jul 23, 2013, at 2:15 PM
  • *

    The Orlando Sentinel has published photographs of evidence from the Zimmerman trial. There are photos of Zimmerman's weapon and the holster he carried it in.

    If Zimmerman's weapon had been in his holster on his hip, and if Zimmerman was on his back during the time Zimmerman and Martin were fighting for their lives, I would expect some scratching and damage on the grip of the weapon or any other part of the weapon where those parts protrude from the holster Zimmerman was wearing.

    I recall Mr. O'Mara mentioning Zimmerman's jacket riding up during the struggle with Martin. If that is so, I believe the gun would have been damaged by the concrete they were rolling around on.

    But there is no damage, which affirms my belief that Zimmerman had his weapon drawn before ever meeting Trayvon.

    -- Posted by Dave Thompson on Tue, Jul 23, 2013, at 3:47 PM
  • WHY ..... are those that speak out for justice and equality are denergrated and ridiculed?? ARE WE NOT ENTITLED TO HAVE THOSE ADVOCATES???? The fact that REV Sharpton and JACKSON spoke out about this should be no reason to be denergrated.IF they hadn't there would have been no trial.....Some might say there shouldn't have been, I don't think that holds water but that's me.The jury has spoken and that is that some don't agree with the verdict ,to include me however people are taking it in stride.

    IF fox news is canvassing the nation to see were there is violence they will find it,there are always people who will find a reason to make a problem worst rather than try to fix it.That should not be construed as the mantra of the black community because it is not, and that is obvious there are no mainstream leaders calling for violence.And there never has been however FOX news went out of it's way to predict violence now they have to prove it. Is that what some call justice or is that laying the ground work for more denergration.

    UNFORTUNATLEY.....WHEN WE SAY A JURY OF HIS PEERS AND EQUAL JUSTICE THOSE WORDS FALL ON DEAF EARS BECAUSE IT DOESNT HAPPEN FOR MOST BLACKS IN THIS COUNTRY.......Don't believe me look at a description given on a police report concerning a black man,I GUESS WE ARE ALL 6FT TALL AND MUSCLE BOUND.tHE pictures on the internet will be taken by some as the gospel and here we go again....Bill ORIELLY basically just said all blacks are violent so what does that say......where does that leave those of us who are law abiding upright citizens,the fact that the criminal element is a pretty consistant percentage among all ethnic groups within those groups..When people do things like that, that is totally irresponsible for a public figure of his stature.BUT his attitude is out there, so when something happens with me that law enforcement officers who has a bias subconsciously makes a write up that say's I was violent six ft tall and very strong and he had hard time containing me that is why I have a black eye,a tooth knocked out and a concussion........hello!!!!!!!!!! or worst I had a weapon and he had to shoot me.I live with that dailey and I don't think people realize that, because they don't have to think that way, in short most black men are fearfull of there lives dailey.......

    MOST crimes are within the same ethnic group in other words white kill white and blacks kill blacks doesn't cross those lines very much but we don't talk about that.....this has become very down and dirty poletics why are we talking only ABOUT CHICAGO.......WHY NOT LA OR NY.....BECAUSE THE PRESIDENT IS FROM CHICAGO........ he has spoken out about Chicago to include attending funerals among other things.WE NEED TO STOP AND GET OUR HEADS OUT.......I could go on and I will later got any question ask me......IM kinda wind up today I will answer.........later

    -- Posted by lamont on Tue, Jul 23, 2013, at 5:42 PM
  • *

    Good points lamont. Take care.

    -- Posted by Dave Thompson on Tue, Jul 23, 2013, at 7:08 PM
  • Zimmerman's wife caught in a lie, Gosh I forgot all about this

    During the hearing, Zimmerman's wife, Shellie, testified that the couple had limited funds to use for bail since she was a full time nursing student and he wasn't working. Zimmerman did nothing to correct her as she testified by telephone due to safety concerns. Prosecutors say jailhouse calls between Zimmerman and his wife a few days before the hearing show the neighborhood watch volunteer instructing his wife on how to transfer funds raised by the website to her account.

    Zimmerman's wife, Shellie, was later charged with making a false statement.

    "Mr. Zimmerman's failure to advise the court of the existence of the donated funds at the initial bail hearing was wrong and Mr. Zimmerman accepts responsibility for his part in allowing the court to be misled as to his true financial circumstances," Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara wrote in the motion.

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Tue, Jul 23, 2013, at 7:50 PM
  • I a two hour conversation with a friend last night. We both have similar questions about this incident but have different views of what "MAY" or "MAY NOT" have happend.

    Some have stated that Zimmerman racially profiled Trayvon and that's why he got out of that car and followed him. There's only one person that knows the answer to this question. Personally, I would have likely followed him in the same situation. But, it wouldn't have been because of the color of his skin. I will keep an eye on anyone in my neighborhood late at night that I don't recognize.

    Second, someone made the statement that they believed that Zimmerman intended to kill Trayvon when he left the car. I don't believe that was the case either. If he had already drawn the weapon before the confrontation I believe it highly unlikely that Trayvon could have inflicted more than one blow at best before he was shot. I saw two photos early on of Zimmerman showing bruising under his eyes and around his nose. The other photo showed the back of his head, there appeared to be three gashes approximately 3" or 4" long. Sorry, I looked but couldn't find the photo now. I'll keep looking and try to find a link. Is it still possible that he already had to weapon drawn...yes but I don't believe he did.

    Finally we have a confrontation. Someone stated that Trayson's ear piece fell out of his so that means he was pushed first. The truth is we don't know who pushed who first and will never know. What we do know is that a gun shot expert testified that the Trayvon's wound is consistent with Zimmerman's story that trayvon was on top of him. The wounds on the back of Zimmerman's head supports this as well.

    I don't think that Zimmerman ever intended to kill Trayvon. I do think that he may have been overly aggressive in his duties as a neighborhood watch. There are items in his story that I don't believe. But at some point he was on the ground being beaten. Each and everyone of us has a fight or flight instinct including Trayvon. Apparently Trayvon's fight instinct kicked in when Zimmerman allegedly cornered him. For Zimmerman it was when he was on the ground receiving a beating. Put yourself in both of these people position and ask yourself what you would have done. I was in a similar situation as trayvon and survived. I haven't been in Zimmerman's position but I know that at some point the fight instinct would kick in and I would do whatever it would take to survive.

    That's my opinion and I'm as entitled to it just as you are entitled to yours. Agree or don't. Either way the jury has found Zimmerman not guilty and we can't retry him.

    Lamont, I know that you are having a tough time with this one but don't let it affect you to the point of that you jeopardize the health.

    I'm out!

    -- Posted by TundraRat on Wed, Jul 24, 2013, at 9:45 AM
  • Thanks for your concern tundra .....I Am ok.....sometimes mans inhumanity and lack of understanding of man gets to me but I taught this subject for years I get over It. EVERY now and then one really gets to me.I feel the same way about all injustice and how our society considers what's important.FOR ME YOU HAVE TO CONSIDER WHATS IMPORTANT TO THE SOCIETY AS A WHOLE BEFORE YOU BLOW THINGS OFF.The fact that you caught the 2 who killed that baby ,that is important as a whole and should have been puplisides to the hilt so I HAVE TO QUESTION WHY IT WASNT.And I come up with and answer I REALLY DONT LIKE.......THEY DIDNT PUBLISH IT BECAUSE THEY WERE BLACK WHO DID IT AND THEY MAY HAVE SUBCONSIOUSLY SAID THAT WOMAN WAS IN THE WRONG NEIGBERHOOD AND SHE DESERVED IT.....HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!! now really nobody including me should be thinking that way but somebody please make me understand another.....because nobody deserves to see there baby shot and killed period.I hope the media remembers this woman and plays out the disposition of those 2 idiots............later

    -- Posted by lamont on Wed, Jul 24, 2013, at 10:16 AM
  • *

    Here's what I believed happened that night between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin.

    While driving through the neighborhood, Zimmerman spotted a walking Martin (a man he does not know) and believed he was acting suspiciously.

    Zimmerman followed Martin a distance. Zimmerman called 911.

    Martin noticed Zimmerman following him; a man Martin did not know in a car Martin did not recognize was following Martin through a development that suffers a high crime rate. Martin, suspicious of the man he did not know in a car he did not recognize, then cut through the development to avoid being followed by Zimmerman.

    Zimmerman lost sight of Martin. Zimmerman got out of his vehicle in an attempt to find where Martin may be, not necessarily to confront Martin, but to keep Martin in sight. Zimmerman continued walking on the sidewalk through the development.

    Martin continued through the development, not using the sidewalk.

    At this point each man was on the lookout for the other. Neither man knew who the other was, what they were doing, where they were going, or why the other man was behaving in the manner each observed of the other. Neither man knew for certain where the other was.

    Zimmerman had no idea where Martin was or where Martin was going.

    Martin was not certain where Zimmerman was, although in an effort to avoid being followed by a total stranger, he did remain out of Zimmerman's sight, and eventually arrived at a point where he could see Zimmerman walking on the sidewalk.

    At some point during Zimmerman's walk through the development he drew his weapon.

    In time Zimmerman converged on the point where Martin had been observing him walking on the sidewalk. Zimmerman did not see Martin until Martin spoke to him and he moved toward Zimmerman. At this point they were relatively close to one another and Zimmerman was startled by Martin's sudden appearance.

    Zimmerman reflexively brought his pistol up. Martin saw the pistol, perceived a threat to his life and reflexively punched Zimmerman in the face, knocking him down and back on to the sidewalk.

    Zimmerman managed to keep the pistol in his hand.

    Martin followed Zimmerman to the ground , mounted him and began beating him.

    Zimmerman's efforts at self-defense were limited because he was protecting his pistol in an effort to keep Martin's hands off of it, or to avoid unintentionally shooting himself or Martin or another resident.

    Zimmerman was screaming for help, fearing that if he dropped his weapon, he may be shot dead with his own gun, and fearing that if he did not drop his gun, Martin would not stop beating him until Martin no longer perceived Zimmerman as a threat. No help arrived for either man.

    The struggle continued and Zimmerman shot Martin. Zimmerman struggled to free himself as Martin dismounted Zimmerman. Martin collapsed forward clutching his wound, pinning his arms between his chest and the ground.

    This is why I believe Martin was justified in beating Zimmerman.

    Zimmerman, a man who Trayvon Martin did not know, a man who had been following Martin through a housing development that each of them lived in, a man with no law enforcement experience or civil authority, a man with poor judgment, displayed a deadly weapon to a young man who he had followed through the housing development that each of them lived in.

    Martin perceived Zimmerman and the weapon Zimmerman carried as a deadly threat.

    -- Posted by Dave Thompson on Thu, Jul 25, 2013, at 11:44 AM
  • *

    Or, perhaps it was Trayvon screaming.

    Although he may have mounted Zimmerman and was giving the man a thorough thrashing, he was a 17 year old who perceived he was in a fight for his life with an armed man; A man he did not know, a man who had been following him across the grounds of the often burglarized development where lived Trayvon and his father and the man with the gun.

    In my mind's eye, Trayvon is trying to remain out of the line of fire, necessarily lying chest to chest and face to face with Zimmerman, at times each man with their arms outstretched overhead with their arms parallel to the ground, with Trayvon struggling to keep Zimmerman's pistol pinned to the ground as he struggled to avoid being shot to death by his dad's mistaken, incompetent neighborhood watchman.

    Trayvon should've gone home and called the police. Teenagers do foolish things out of immaturity. That's why we don't let them vote or buy alcohol or cigarettes or firearms. But that doesn't absolve Zimmerman of responsibility.

    Zimmerman should've waited for the police. Zimmerman got more than his experience and ego permitted him to expect.

    -- Posted by Dave Thompson on Thu, Jul 25, 2013, at 8:28 PM
  • *

    I Don't care, people of all ages die every single day. ;) Get over it.

    -- Posted by shockwave on Tue, Jul 30, 2013, at 5:53 PM
  • HAS nothing to do with dieing and everything to do with how we treat each other.YOU don't get over that in this world how about in yours??

    -- Posted by lamont on Sun, Aug 18, 2013, at 9:53 AM
  • Well said lamont.

    -- Posted by Sam_1776 on Wed, Aug 21, 2013, at 4:58 PM
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